Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday & Thursday, April 20 & 21, 2016

Dear Class:



Mock Interviews will occur on the following dates:
Semester 2 —Thursday and Friday, May 5 and 6
You must attend one of the sessions to receive full credit for the interview.

Reminder >>>>>>  

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to go to the class website, read through the weekly agenda, find the work you missed, and complete it.
If you are wishful to get Mt Hood Community College credit, then you need to get admitted to Mt. Hood.  There is a sheet available for this.  Use an email other than your school email!   If you are already admitted to Mt. Hood, then the class is "HD110" section "80".  My name will appear as one of the classes.  Select it and then add.
Next week I will remind you again for those that would be then admitted and have you register at that time.

Learning Targets:
Students will --

  1. Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 
  2. Know how to structure an effective resume.
  3. Be able to describe skills and abilities in business language. 
 Monday, A day & Tuesday, B day

      ActivitiesStudents, you will work on the following today:
  1. Begin handwriting a draft of your resume.
    Follow slides 29-30 of  the How to Write a Resume Tutorial Instructions.

    Note: If you did not finish the individual assignments you can still do the draft but will need to follow the slide instructions for those resume sections.
  • Job Objective — Slides 18-19
  • Education —Slides 20-21
  • Work History — Slides 22-23
  • Skills and One-Liners— Slides 24-28

      2.   When you finish writing the draft, download the resume template and type in   
            your information for the information on the template.
            Delete any extra wording that is not part of your resume information.
            Follow slides 12, 13 & 14.

      3.   Proof your work by comparing your typed draft to the example on slide 31.

      4.  Use slide 32 to assist you in scoring your work.
 Resume Packet: My Work History Worksheet &
                              My Education Worksheet
                              Resume Template   
                              CIS Skills Worksheet Revised
                              My Skills and One-liners/Resume
Otherwise, work on your Final Project

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