Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday & Thursday, Nov 30 & Dec 1

Dear Class:

Daily Agenda
The Resume Workbook
OAKS Testing
Reading Skills Diagnostics 1: Literary Text
Resume Next Class

Click here for a brain break.

1. The Resume Workbook
Click on "The Resume Workbook"
This will open a PDF.
You cannot type in this PDF.
You will not do all the pages in this workbook.
You will need to create a new Google Doc.
Name it Resume Workbook

Go to Step 1: Uncover Your Skills, Abilities and Special Talents on Page 3. (Look at the bottom of each page to find the page number.)
You will answer all the questions on Pages 3 - 6. Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.

Next, do Step 2: Choose a Job Objective on Page 7.
Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.

Now, go to Step 4: List Your Related Skills and Abilities on Page 10.
Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.

Finally, read pages 11 - 13 in regards to Step 5: Write One-Liners to Demonstrate Your Related Skills and Abilities.
Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.
When you are done, drag it into your folder to share it with me.
You can also get a paper version of it from Mr. Green-Hite.

2. OAKS Testing
We will begin the OAKS Reading Test on Friday, December 2.
There will be a seating chart.
If you have already "Exceeded" you will not need to test again.
No "other" computer use during test.
Bring work from another class if you need something to do.

3. Reading Skills Diagnostic 1: Literary Text
Go into your CIS Portfolio
Go to My Learning Express
Select the Reading Skills Diagnostic 1: Literary Text
You did Informational Text last time.
Turn in your results the same way you did last time.

4. Resume Next Class
Make sure to have your "How Do I Get There?" and "What Are My Next Steps?" assignments in CIS done before next class. These will be used to help create your Resume....especially "What Are My Next Steps?".

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday and Tuesday, November 28 & 29

Dear Class:

I want you to start a blank google doc, title it with your name and then "tweet". Please go to the tweet article and give me your thoughts regarding same. Please put it in your folder on google.

Daily Agenda
The Resume Workbook
Previous Assignments
No School Wednesday
OAKS Testing

1. The Resume Workbook
Click on "The Resume Workbook"

This will open a PDF.
You cannot type in this PDF.
You will not do all the pages in this workbook.
You will need to create a new Google Doc.
Name it Resume Workbook

Go to Step 1: Uncover Your Skills, Abilities and Special Talents on Page 3. (Look at the bottom of each page to find the page number.)
You will answer all the questions on Pages 3 - 6. Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.

Next, do Step 2: Choose a Job Objective on Page 7.
Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.

Now, go to Step 4: List Your Related Skills and Abilities on Page 10.
Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.

Finally, read pages 11 - 13 in regards to Step 5: Write One-Liners to Demonstrate Your Related Skills and Abilities.

Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.
When you are done, drag it into your folder to share it with me.

2. Previous Assignments
You will need to go to older posts to find the information regarding previous assignments.

4. OAKS Testing
We will begin the OAKS Reading Test on Friday, December 2.
I will give your more details after the Thanksgiving Break.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dear Class:

Final Draft of Autobiography is due in to Turnitin by 11:59pm on Monday, November 21.

Daily Agenda
The Resume Workbook
Previous Assignments
No School Wednesday
OAKS Testing

1. The Resume Workbook
Click on "The Resume Workbook"

This will open a PDF.
You cannot type in this PDF.
You will not do all the pages in this workbook.
You will need to create a new Google Doc.
Name it Resume Workbook

Go to Step 1: Uncover Your Skills, Abilities and Special Talents on Page 3. (Look at the bottom of each page to find the page number.)
You will answer all the questions on Pages 3 - 6. Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.

Next, do Step 2: Choose a Job Objective on Page 7.
Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.

Now, go to Step 4: List Your Related Skills and Abilities on Page 10.
Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.

Finally, read pages 11 - 13 in regards to Step 5: Write One-Liners to Demonstrate Your Related Skills and Abilities.

Type and answer the questions/prompts in your Google Doc.
When you are done, drag it into your folder to share it with me.

2. Previous Assignments
You will need to go to older posts to find the information regarding previous assignments.

3. No School Wednesday
In case you have not heard already, we don't have school on Wednesday.
We keep with our already set A-B schedule, therefore Monday is still an A-Day.

4. OAKS Testing
We will begin the OAKS Reading Test on Friday, December 2.
I will give your more details after the Thanksgiving Break.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday and Monday, November 18th and 21st

Dear Class:

Daily Agenda
New way to turn in work.
Turn It In
Personal Education Plan
What Are My Next Steps?
Career Planning Vocab

1. New Way to Turn In Work
You will create a folder (collection) in your Google Docs account. Click on the video link below.
Watch this video to see how to turn in your work from now on!
All assignments are turned in through your folder from this point on.
Here are the assignments you need to put in it right now:
Autobiography Questions
Autobiography Rough Draft
All CIS Worksheets will now be uploaded into Google and placed in this folder
New Assignment to Add! Mom Fined 1.5 Million for Downloading Music (you may have saved it as Copyright Infringement)

2. Turn Your Autobiography Final Draft Into
If you have not done so in another class, create an account in
Go to the "Training" link and choose "Student" for How-To videos.
Use your David Douglas e-mail account to create it. We have given your account permission to contact Turnitin.
Click here to get the Class ID number and password for your class.
You will submit the final copy of your Autobiography into your class period in Turnitin.
It has to be submitted in a Microsoft Word Document.
Final Draft is due in to Turnitin by 11:59pm on Monday, November 21.

3. Personal Education Plan
See November 14 & 15 for directions and links.
Let Mr. Green-Hite know if you'd like a paper copy instead of typing it on the computer

4. What Are My Next Steps
Click here to see video for directions for this CIS assignment
This is the beginning stage of the Resume & Cover Letter for Mock Interviews in January

5. Career Planning Vocabulary
Click on this link to go to the vocabulary Prezi.

Create some type of graphic organizer (Venn Diagram or T-Chart or ?) either in Google or Word to compare the following:

Going to college (2-years or more) vs. Not going to college
What do they have in common?
What is different about the routes?
Be sure to include all the vocabulary included in the Prezi.
Name it "Career Planning Vocab".

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday & Thursday November 16 & 17th

1. New way to turn in work.
2. Turn It In
3. Personal Education Plan
4. What Are My Next Steps?
5. Career Planning Vocab

1. New Way to Turn In Work

o You will create a folder (collection) in your Google Docs account. Click on the video link below.
o Watch this video to see how to turn in your work from now on!
+ All assignments are turned in through your folder from this point on.
+ Here are the assignments you need to put in it right now:
# Autobiography Questions
# Autobiography Rough Draft
# Autobiography Final Draft
# All CIS Worksheets will now be uploaded into Google and placed in this folder

2. Turn Your Autobiography Final Draft Into

o If you have not done so in another class, create an account in
+ Go to the "Training" link and choose "Student" for How-To videos.
+ Use your David Douglas e-mail account to create it. We have given your account permission to contact Turnitin.
+ Click here to get the Class ID number and password for your class.
o You will submit the final copy of your Autobiography into your class period in Turnitin.
+ It has to be submitted in a Microsoft Word Document.

3. Personal Education Plan

o This is the initial data gathering for your Final Project
+ Part 1: Occupation Goals Research
+ Part 2: Education Goals Research (Section 1)
+ Part 3: Education Goals Research (Section 2)

4. What Are My Next Steps

o Click here to see video for directions for this CIS assignment
+ This is the beginning stage of the Resume & Cover Letter for Mock Interviews in January

5. Career Planning Vocabulary

o Click on this link to go to the vocabulary Prezi.
+ Create some type of graphic organizer (Venn Diagram or T-Chart or ?) either in Google or Word to compare the following:
# Going to college (2-years or more) vs. Not going to college
* What do they have in common?
* What is different about the routes?
# Be sure to include all the vocabulary included in the Prezi.
* Name it "Career Planning Vocab".

6. The 5 Functions of Language

o See Mr. Cross when you are done with everything else for directions and worksheet.
o Use this document to help you with the assignment.

We will be taking the OAKS Reading Test in PACE A from December 2 - 9.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday and Monday, November 9 & 15

Dear Class:

Watch this video to see how to turn in your work from now on!

Do tasks in this order:
1st Task: Personal Education Plan
2nd Task: 5 Functions of Language
3rd Task: What are my next steps?

Final Project
Personal Education Plan
Part 1: Occupation Goals Research
Part 2: Education Goals Research (Section 1)
Part 3: Education Goals Research (Section 2)

5 Functions of Language
See Mr. Green-Hite when you are done with everything else for directions.
Use this document to do the assignment.

Oregon CIS
What are my next steps?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday, November 8 & 9

Dear Students:

Final Project

Personal Education Plan

Part 1: Occupation Goals Research
Part 2: Education Goals Research (Section 1)
Part 3: Education Goals Research (Section 2)
Save the worksheet in both your CIS Account and your Google Account.


5 Functions of Language

Use this document to do the assignment.


Oregon CIS
Reality Check
Occupation Direct
Reminder that we don't have classes on Thursday (AM Parent-Teacher Conferences) and Friday (Veterans' Day)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Friday and Monday, November 4th and 7th

Dear Class:


Final Project
Personal Education Plan
Part 1: Occupation Goals Research
Part 2: Education Goals Research (Section 1)
Part 3: Education Goals Research (Section 2)
Save the worksheet in both your CIS Account and your Google Account.

Reading Diagnostic
If you did not finish the Reading Diagnostic, finish it today.
Share the scores with me on a Google Doc.

If you are done with your Final Draft of your Autobiography, move on to the Writing and Spelling diagnostics if you are not done with them.
See October 26 & 27 for links and directions.


Final Draft of the Autobiography is due on Thursday, November 3.
When you are done, share with me your rough draft and your final draft with highlights. Label the two documents:

Rough Draft
Final Draft

Here is the Scoring Rubric.


Oregon CIS "Where Am I Going?"
See October 26 & 27 for links and directions.
This needs to be done by next period. We will begin our Personal Education Plan

Final Project next class.
Oregon CIS
Reality Check
Occupation Direct


Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday, November 2 & 3

Dear Class:


Final Project
Personal Education Plan
Part 1: Occupation Goals Research
Part 2: Education Goals Research (Section 1)
Part 3: Education Goals Research (Section 2)
Save the worksheet in both your CIS Account and your Google Account.

Reading Diagnostic
If you did not finish the Reading Diagnostic, finish it today.
Share the scores with me on a Google Doc.

If you are done with your Final Draft of your Autobiography, move on to the Writing and Spelling diagnostics if you are not done with them.
See October 26 & 27 for links and directions.


Final Draft of the Autobiography is due on Thursday, November 3.
When you are done, share with me your rough draft and your final draft with highlights. Label the two documents:

Rough Draft
Final Draft

Here is the Scoring Rubric.


Oregon CIS "Where Am I Going?"
See October 26 & 27 for links and directions.
This needs to be done by next period. We will begin our Personal Education Plan

Final Project next class.
Oregon CIS
Reality Check
Occupation Direct


Mr. Green-Hite