Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday & Friday, February 28 & March 1, 2019

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments

  1. How is this video related to PACE? 
  2.  How does your body react to stressful situations in a bad way?  In a good way? 
  3. How should you deal with stress or stressful situations to benefit from it?  OR What do you attach to stress so our body benefits? 
  4. How does one find courage or resilience from stress?    
  Log into CIS again. 

2.  While logged into CIS, you will be doing the "Skills" in the "Exploration" tab.  I will go over it with you because these are what you will be using for your resume!  Save by creating a document entitled "Skills".  You will be looking at what jobs they suggest for you.  The same pattern here; what jobs do they suggest for you, 3-5, why do they seem a good fit?  Are there any that begin to mimic what you want to do or what every other assessment suggests you do?

3.   You need to know the vocabulary.  Budget Vocabulary Flashcard Practice
There will be a test on this next week....
4.  You will be creating a "My_Jobs" document.  The document will encompass Interest Profiler/Importance Locator/Skills/Meyers Briggs/Character. We will be choosing an "Occupation" from that group of job lists.  Label each as you copy and paste them in.  Go to  CIS and look at the descriptions of the occupations you might be interested in and any jobs you don't know what they do.  I want to see you working on it!!!!

5.  "Reality Check" should be in your folders.  I will be grading these this weekend and if it is not present I will not accept them.  There should be the jobs suggested and 1-3 paragraphs as with all of the assessments we have done so far. 

6.  Those that wish to take this class for MHCC credit will have to get a MHCC ID number from mhcc.du/admissions.  If you already have a MHCC ID number, then you will register for the class at  Look for my name and class.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday & Tuesday, February 25 & 26, 2019

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments

1.  Log into CIS again.  Today, this document should be finished denoting what type of work you prefer based on the top selection.  To do this, we will be looking at "Work Importance Locator" which is under the "Exploration" tab.  Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "Work_Importance_Locator".  We will explore this by defining the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting pay will be.  The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took!

2.  While logged into CIS, you will be doing the "Skills" in the "Exploration" tab.  I will go over it with you because these are what you will be using for your resume!  Save by creating a document entitled "Skills".  You will be looking at what jobs they suggest for you.  The same pattern here; what jobs do they suggest for you, 3-5, why do they seem a good fit?  Are there any that begin to mimic what you want to do or what every other assessment suggests you do?

3.   You need to know the vocabulary.  Budget Vocabulary Flashcard Practice
There will be a test on this next week....

4.  You will be creating a "My_Jobs" document.  The document will encompass Interest Profiler/Importance Locator/Skills/Meyers Briggs/Character. We will be choosing an "Occupation" from that group of job lists.  Label each as you copy and paste them in.  Go to  CIS and look at the descriptions of the occupations you might be interested in and any jobs you don't know what they do.  I want to see you working on it!!!!

This is exploratory on your side.  I want to see you looking at jobs.  Things happen...your life changes.  I want to see one specific occupation and three backups!  For the specific job, I want you to write at minimum of a paragraph as to why you chose that occupation.  Look at the quick view of that occupation in CIS to see the pay, outlook, numbers, etc.

Look at "Order by Cluster" if you need to back up and look at more general terms for grouping.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday & Friday, February 21 & 22, 2019

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments
1.   Do  FreeWrite assignment # 7 "The Right Job For Your Personality"  slide.  Do the questions on the PDF File located here:  The Right Job For Your Personality.
Use this document if you can't edit the PDF:  Word conversion

2.  Log into CIS again.  Today we will explore what type of work you prefer based on the top selection.  To do this, we will be looking at "Work Importance Locator" which is under the "Exploration" tab.  Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "Work_Importance_Locator".  We will explore this by defining the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting pay will be.  The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took!  Remember 1-3 paragraphs on the jobs that are a possibility. 

3.  While logged into CIS, you will be doing the "Skills" in the "Exploration" tab.  Save.  Take a screen shot of the skills and then the jobs associated with those skills.  The usual exploration of the jobs in conjunction with them.  I will go over in class...

4.   You need to know the vocabulary.  Budget Vocabulary Flashcard Practice
There will be a test on this next week....

5.  You will be creating a "My_Jobs" document.  The document will encompass Interest Profiler/Importance Locator/Skills/Meyers Briggs/Character. We will be choosing an "Occupation" from that group of job lists.  Label each as you copy and paste them in.  Go to  CIS and look at the descriptions of the occupations you might be interested in and any jobs you don't know what they do.  I want to see you working on it!!!!

This is exploratory on your side.  I want to see you looking at jobs.  Things happen...your life changes.  I want to see one specific occupation and three backups!  For the specific job, I want you to write at minimum of a paragraph as to why you chose that occupation.  Look at the quick view of that occupation in CIS to see the pay, outlook, numbers, etc.

Look at "Order by Cluster" if you need to back up and look at more general terms for grouping.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday & Wednesday, February 19 & 20, 2019

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments
1.  Log into CIS again.  Today we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  To do this, we will be looking at "Reality Check" which is under the "Occupations" tab.  Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "Your name_Reality_Check".  We will explore this later  as we define the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting pay will be.  The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took!  If you have time today, does the amount that the three jobs you explored briefly in the Interest Profiler support your goal for Reality Check?

2.  Log into CIS again.  Today we will explore what type of work environment you prefer
.  To do this, we will be looking at "Work Importance Locator" which is under the "Occupations" tab.  Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "Work_Importance_Locator".  We will explore this later as we define the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting pay will be.  The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took!

3.   You need to know the vocabulary.  Budget Vocabulary Flashcard Practice
There will be a test on this next week....

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thursday & Friday, February 14 & 15, 2019

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments
1.   We will be watching:
Three Million Open Jobs in US
 Three million open jobs in U.S., but who's qualified?  Create a blank document and name it:  Last Name_Three_Million_Open_Jobs

Respond to these questions.
Justify your answer with a reference from the video.
A.   Based on the speakers in the video, who are the parties responsible for training/educating people for employment and why?
B.  What is your opinion about this matter? Do you agree with them or not? Explain.
C.  Do you think many of your peers are ready for entering the working environment? Why?
D.  What would you suggest they do to better prepare themselves for work?  

(Freewrite 6 (Link))

2.   Revisit:  I did not get much for this assignment.  Please finish today!  Sign into CIS and go to the saved assessments.  Open up the "Interest Profiler" and restore it.   Go to the top ranked one and click on it.  It will show you the jobs that are within that profile.  Please select between the jobs presented.  If your next ranked "Interest Profile" is close in percentile, you can search that one as well if there are no jobs within the parameters you might be interested in.  Please write one to three paragraphs.

Choose three jobs that you feel would fit you and copy them below the Interest Profile snapshot.  Explain in two paragraphs why this "Interest" fits you and why you feel these jobs are within your realm.

3.  Log into CIS again.  Today we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  To do this, we will be looking at "Reality Check" which is under the "Occupations" tab.  Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "Your name_Reality_Check".  We will explore this later  as we define the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting pay will be.  The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took!  If you have time today, does the amount that the three jobs you explored briefly in the Interest Profiler support your goal for Reality Check?


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Tuesday & Wednesday, February 12 & 13, 2019

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments
1.   Do  FreeWrite assignment # 5 "How strong is your character"  slide.  Do only  3-5 traits you have or would like to push for.  Take a look at the results and I will work with you on it in class.  Take a look at what jobs they recommend regarding the characters you choose. 

2.   Sign into CIS and go to the saved assessments.  Open up the "Interest Profiler" and restore it.   Go to the top ranked one and click on it.  It will show you the jobs that are within that profile.  Please select between the jobs presented.  If your next ranked "Interest Profile" is close in percentile, you can search that one as well if there are no jobs within the parameters you might be interested in.  Please write one to three paragraphs.

Choose three jobs that you feel would fit you and copy them below the Interest Profile snapshot.  Explain in two paragraphs why this "Interest" fits you and why you feel these jobs are within your realm.

3.  Log into CIS again.  Today we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  To do this, we will be looking at "Reality Check" which is under the "Occupations" tab.  Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "Your name_Reality_Check".  We will explore this later  as we define the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting pay will be.  The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took!

4.   You need to know the vocabulary.  B

Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday & Monday, February 8 & 11, 2019

Dear Class:

 Learning Targets:
Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class, and how it will benefit them. 

Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.

Understand the value of self-assessments.

Activities: Students you will work on the following today: 

     1.   Class will start and Friday class finish the accessing the FreeWrite assignment slides and complete tasks:
 FW #4    What Kind of Learner Am I?   Copy the results into your FW (1st column under date) and answer the questions on the slide. 

2.  We will be doing the CIS "Interest Profiler" that is at the website for CIS The user name is "ddouglas" and the password is "ddhs".  Create an account by going to "My Portfolio".   For your user name, use your student id.  For the password, use your first initial of your first name in capital letter, first letter of your last name in lower case, and then your student id. 

Go to the tab "Exploration", then "Interest Profiler".  Answer all 172 questions to the best of your ability and then copy and paste the screen(s) (whole thing will not fit on one page) into a document you created named "LastName_Interest_Profiler".  Look at jobs suggested for your top.  You are going to pick three of them and write a work of art based on why!!!

For Friday's students, we will go over the shared documents you produced.

Side Note:  If an assignment asks for minimum of 3-5 sentences, that is a D/C-.  I look at "A" work as 3-4 in depth paragraphs.  A "B" would be 2-3 paragraphs and a "C" would be a strong paragraph of "Thorough reflection of the assignment.  You can elect to get college credit for this class.  I make notations in my book regarding your effort for each assignment.  This class will be one of the most important classes you will take.  I am giving you time to "explore".  There is generally no "Right or Wrong" here...rather an opportunity to explore.  This is "Participation".  If you cease to work on an assignment in class and I see that, I will grade the work at that particular time and take into consideration the time and effort put into the work!

  • Warm-Up: Take the Meyer's Briggs survey. Copy and paste your results into a Google document: Create a doc and label it: FullName_MeyersBriggs.  We will be further exploring this in more detail later.

Take the Briggs/Meyers/Jung test at this link.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday & Thursday, February 6 & 7, 2019

Dear Class:

 Learning Targets:

Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class, and how it will benefit them. 

Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.

Understand the value of self-assessments.

Activities: Students you will work on the following today: 

For Friday's students, we will go over the shared documents you produced.

      (1)    We will watch Looking At Careers: It's Never Too Soon and be answering the questions on the online doc Looking at Careers: It's Never Too Soon.  Please open it up, go to "File" and then "Make a copy".   Please keep the title the same, get rid of "copy" and put your last name with an underscore.

1.   Access the FreeWrite assignment slides and complete tasks:
FreeWrite document and FreeWrite #3.

2.  We may be doing the CIS "Interest Profiler" that is at the website for CIS. Regardless, we will explore the CIS website in any case.

The user name is "ddouglas" and the password is "ddhs".  Create an account by going to "My Portfolio".   For your user name, use your student id.  For the password, use your first initial of your first name in capital letter, first letter of your last name in lower case, and then your student id.  

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to go to the class website, read through the weekly agenda, find the work you missed, and complete it.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Dear Class:

 Learning Targets:

Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class, and how it will benefit them. 

Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.

Understand the value of self-assessments.

Activities: Students you will work on the following today: 

For Friday's students, we will go over the shared documents you produced.

Hand in PACEOGRAPHY if you took it home.  I am correcting it this weekend!

      1.   Access the FreeWrite assignment slides and complete tasks:
FreeWrite document and FreeWrite #1:  You need to research to find out the present version of FreeWrite #1!  Link 2 (Updated article)

    2.  We will watch Looking At Careers: It's Never Too Soon and be answering the questions on the online doc Looking at Careers: It's Never Too Soon.  Please open it up, go to "File" and then "Make a copy".   Please keep the title the same, get rid of "copy" and put your last name with an underscore.

Maybe  FW #2    

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to go to the class website, read through the weekly agenda, find the work you missed, and complete it.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday & Monday, February 1 & 4, 2019

Dear Class:

 Learning Targets:

Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class, and how it will benefit them. 

Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.

Understand the value of self-assessments.

Activities: Students you will work on the following today: 

For Friday's students, we will go over the shared documents you produced.

Hand in PACEOGRAPHY if you took it home.  I am correcting it this weekend!

      1.  Friday class finish  Work Place BasicsEssential Skills for Success  20 min left (Link to "Handout") for 5 & 6th periods.  Fill in using the typing tool in Google Docs.  You will have to make a "copy" and put your name on it and leave the rest of the title intact.  Such as "Name_work_place_basics_video_handout"

      2.   Access the FreeWrite assignment slides and complete tasks:
FreeWrite document and FreeWrite #1:  You need to research to find out the present version of FreeWrite #1!  Link 2 (Updated article)

    3.  We will watch Looking At Careers: It's Never Too Soon and be answering the questions on the online doc Looking at Careers: It's Never Too Soon.  Please open it up, go to "File" and then "Make a copy".   Please keep the title the same, get rid of "copy" and put your last name with an underscore.

Maybe  FW #2    

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to go to the class website, read through the weekly agenda, find the work you missed, and complete it.