Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday & Friday, October 30 & 31, 2014

WEEK 9, OCT 27 - 31, 2014 ~~ PR2

due November 1

We are finishing up our first chapter in our exploration—Who Am I and will be expressing our results in Part 1 of our Final Project.
Additionally, we are feet forward into developing Who We Want To Be(come).

Our targets this week are: 

  1. Finish up your task to identify your skills set based on your accomplishments/actions (See the Skills Worksheet)
  2. Compare your skills to skills needed in your career and identify skills needing to be acquired.  (See the PIAR Toolbox handout)
  3. Begin to explain "Who We Are" in terms of our characteristics, traits, interests, skills, and abilities using our survey results as references. (New~ Start Part 1 of your final project.)
  4. Organize the 5 key parts to a resume in your resume outline.

 FREEWRITES~ you will have the first 15 minutes of class to work on this.

  • Monday & Tuesday — Per 5 &8 FW catch up day. Starting with the slide for FW 10 verify that you have a thoughtful written response to statements in FW 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3b, 3a, 2, and 1.      Per. 7 FW 9
  • Thursday & Friday — Resume Writing for Teens. Complete the questions on the handout (have your monitors off during the video.  If you are absent, use the  Freewrite #11 after you view the video. Turn it in at the end of the period by creating a new document entitled "Resume Writing for Teens". Thanks.


  1. Finish the "My Skills".   Please follow along with the instructions given in class and the examples provided. 
  2. Matching Skills To The Job.  This was the "My Skills" assignment where you were to take skills that were desired from the job you chose and skills you stated you were good at and selected 8 of them.  The eight skills you were to state how you demonstrated those skills through various activities or situations that called for those skills.    Other skills you can use were in the  How Strong Is Your Character?
  3. Start Part 1 of your final project. Click on the link~Final Project and begin Part 1.
     Read and follow the directions.

IF time we will continue watching: FRONTLINE: DROP OUT NATION

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday, October 28 & 29, 2014

WEEK 9, OCT 27 - 31, 2014 ~~ PR2

due November 2

We are finishing up our first chapter in our exploration— Who Am I and will be expressing our results in Part 1 of our Final Project.
Additionally, we are feet forward into developing Who We Want To Be(come).

Our targets this week are: 

  1. Finish up your task to identify your skills set based on your accomplishments/actions (See the Skills Worksheet)
  2. Compare your skills to skills needed in your career and identify skills needing to be acquired.  (See the PIAR Toolbox handout)
  3. Begin to explain "Who We Are" in terms of our characteristics, traits, interests, skills, and abilities using our survey results as references. (New~ Start Part 1 of your final project.)
  4. Organize the 5 key parts to a resume in your resume outline.

 FREEWRITES~ you will have the first 15 minutes of class to work on this.

  • Tuesday & Wednesday — FW catch up day. Starting with the slide for FW 10 verify that you have a thoughtful written response to statements in FW 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3b, 3a, 2, and 1.
    Per. 7 FW 9
  • Thursday & Friday — Resume Writing for Teens. Complete the handout.


  1. We finished the Skills Worksheet as directed on the slide instructions (We took screen shots and called it "CIS"). There are some changes to steps 3 & 4 to help you prioritize the skills you have and to make it easier for you to complete this task online Wednesday in class. Please follow along with the instructions given in class and the examples provided. 
  2. Matching skills to the job. Click link: Skills For The Job or “Download” the instructions from the link at the bottom of this page under “Lesson Templates”.  We worked on this with "My Skill
    Read and follow the instructions to complete the PIAR Toolbox handout.  This activity helps you see you key skills based on your accomplishments while allowing you to add other skills you think you have for the work world.  
  3. Start Part 1 of your final project. Click on the link~ Final Project and begin Part 1.
     Read and follow the directions.

  4. Today, we are looking at the Resume Workbook:  Link The Resume Work
    Particularly, pp 3-6 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Friday & Monday, October 24 & 27, 2014

Welcome to Week 8 of the semester/week 2 of PR 2! :*)
PACE is moving right along with our self discovery.

We have taken our 3 MyRoads Surveys: Careers, Majors, and the ORA Personality.
We are narrowing our choices of career, soon we will explore the skills we have with the skills needed for this career choice. This is very important to our resume writing!
We also will be comparing our career choice with our education major to see the connection and develop an education plan, down the road.

This week we will
1) Identify very satisfying skills and moderately satisfying skills based on our accomplishments/actions
2) Compare these skills to skills needed in our career
3) Explain "Who We Are" in terms of our characteristics, traits, interests, skills, abilities
using our survey results as references.

Friday & Monday — FW 9, Slide 13 only. Who Am I Meant To Be? Oprah survey
Read the slide and respond to these statements:

  1. Do you agree with the results? Why?
  2. Which points do you think really match the style of learner you believe you are?  Refer to your FW 4 response to answer this question.
    Justify your response with an example.  

  1. Complete the Personal Education Plan as directed.  List the freshman and sophomore classes that you know you took and are currently taking. Project your classes for semester 2, Junior and Senior years after you have reviewed page 7 of your DDHS planner and have adjusted the classes required based on what you have successfullly passed. Do the best you can and we will review this sheet later this week or next to include classes from your Majors handout.  Go to the DDHS website at , go to Quick Links, Important Information, and click on "Curriculum Guide" and look at the classes available.  This is due today!!!!
    1. Matching skills to the job.
      Skills For The Job link  Follow the class guided instructions to complete the  PIAR handout and document your Skills results.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday & Thursday, October 22 & 23, 2014

Welcome to Week 8 of the semester/week 2 of PR 2! :*)
PACE is moving right along with our self discovery.

We have taken our 3 MyRoads Surveys: Careers, Majors, and the ORA Personality.
We are narrowing our choices of career, soon we will explore the skills we have with the skills needed for this career choice. This is very important to our resume writing!
We also will be comparing our career choice with our education major to see the connection and develop an education plan, down the road.

This week we will
1) Identify very satisfying skills and moderately satisfying skills based on our accomplishments/actions
2) Compare these skills to skills needed in our career
3) Explain "Who We Are" in terms of our characteristics, traits, interests, skills, abilities
using our survey results as references.

Wednesday & Thursday — FW 10 , slides 15 & 16.  Malala Yousafzai’s Story - The Right to Education
Yes, you will need to use your computers for this assignment only.
Respond to these questions:

a) How does school and education change lives?
b) What role has technology played in Malala’s campaign?
c) What questions would you like to ask Malala?
Friday & Monday — FW 9  

  1. Complete the Personal Education Plan as directed.  List the freshman and sophomore classes that you know you took and are currently taking. Project your classes for semester 2, Junior and Senior years after you have reviewed page 7 of your DDHS planner and have adjusted the classes required based on what you have successfullly passed. Do the best you can and we will review this sheet later this week or next to include classes from your Majors handout.  Go to the DDHS website at , go to Quick Links, Important Information, and click on "Curriculum Guide" and look at the classes available.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monday & Tuesday, October 20 & 21, 2014

Dear Class:

Freewrites Link
Monday and Tuesday:  Freewrite 5
Amazing Kids Link Here


We will be creating an account on Moodle.  This will give you experience with Web Site clearinghouses that colleges use.  Go to the DDHSPages and click on "Moodle".  You will put in your school gmail account information for the user name and password.  Class will be "PACE 2014-15".  For entry, you will use green1, green2, green3 (for 4th period), and green8.

Welcome to Week 8 of the semester/week 2 of PR 2! :*)
PACE is moving right along with our self discovery.

We have taken our 3 MyRoads Surveys: Careers, Majors, and the ORA Personality.
We are narrowing our choices of career, soon we will explore the skills we have with the skills needed for this career choice. This is very important to our resume writing!
We also will be comparing our career choice with our education major to see the connection and develop an education plan, down the road.

This week we will
1) Identify very satisfying skills and moderately satisfying skills based on our accomplishments/actions
2) Compare these skills to skills needed in our career
3) Explain "Who We Are" in terms of our characteristics, traits, interests, skills, abilities
using our survey results as references.

Monday & Tuesday — FW 10 , slides 15 & 16.  Malala Yousafzai’s Story - The Right to Education
Yes, you will need to use your computers for this assignment only.
Respond to these questions:
a) How does school and education change lives?
b) What role has technology played in Malala’s campaign?
c) What questions would you like to ask Malala?

  1. Complete the Personal Education Plan as directed.  List the freshman and sophomore classes that you know you took and are currently taking. Project your classes for semester 2, Junior and Senior years after you have reviewed page 7 of your DDHS planner and have adjusted the classes required based on what you have successfullly passed. Do the best you can and we will review this sheet later this week or next to include classes from your Majors handout. 
  2. Complete the Skills Worksheet as directed. There are some changes to steps 3 & 4 to help you prioritize the skills you have and to make it easier for you to complete this task online Wednesday in class. Please follow along with the instructions given in class and the examples provided.

  1. Biography slide presentation introduction/FW9
Today, we are looking at the Resume Workbook:  Link The Resume Work

Particularly, pp 3-6

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday & Friday, October 16 & 17

Dear Class:

Freewrites Link
Thursday & Friday:  3b  (Slide 7)
Three Million Jobs...Link here


It's a Hot Topic!!!!  We are going to explore an application...You will copy and paste the Skills part, open up a blank document, name it "Hot Topic" and fill in the information requested!

  1. Biography slide presentation introduction/FW9
Today, we are looking at the Resume Workbook:  Link The Resume Work

Particularly, pp 3-6

Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday & Tuesday, October 13 & 14


Arrive on time on test day. Go to room 171 in the Pool Building.

Seniors go to the South Gym by 8:00 am.

Going into your grades:

1)  Quickstart "Careers" Tree
2)  Quickstart "Majors" Tree
3)  "Skills" Video sheet
4)  "Dropout Nation" sheet

Freewrites Link
Monday~ FW 7: Affirmation

Dropout Nation viewing 15 Minutes

  1. Biography slide presentation introduction/FW9
Today, we are looking at the Resume Workbook:  Link The Resume Work

Particularly, pp 3-6

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday & Friday, October 9 & 10, 2014


due October 9
Good Morning,

Please fillout your PSAT answer sheet as follow:

DDHS Code: 380865

DDHS Address: David Douglas High School
                           1001 SE 135th Ave
                           Portland, OR 97233

In Section 5 put in your DDHS Student ID Number.
Email address: use only your professional email address if you remember the username and add
Arrive on time on test day. Go to room 171 in the Pool Building.

Seniors go to the South Gym by 8:00 am.

Going into your grades:

1)  Quickstart "Careers" Tree
2)  Quickstart "Majors" Tree
3)  "Skills" Video sheet
4)  "Dropout Nation" sheet


due October 12
October 9 & 10, 2014

You will not be completing a Freewrite today. Rather, you will watch this very inspirational video about a very inspirational mentor- Randy Pausch. He will provide you with insight about how you could live your life fully and hopefully with no regret(s).   :P


Complete the document (Pausch Document Link) as you watch the video (Will be a handout but you may have to do an online doc if you did not get the handout.  You must be in your student account to access.  Please make a "copy" of the document by right clicking the document and make a "copy".  You will fill this in.  Please be ready to share with the class at any time.
Watch 15 minutes Dropout Nation, hand in handout.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday, October 6 & 7, 2014

Dear Class:

 ALERT:  Progress Reports are this Friday, Oct. 10Catch up on work now.  I am grading by class, so don't fall out of sinc.

Friday is an Early Release Day- out at 11 am.
Next week-  all Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors will be taking the PSAT with a few exceptions. More information coming soon.

We continue to explore Who We Are>
Learning Targets: 
  1. You will identify 3 majors based upon your QuickStart Majors survey in MyRoad. 
  2. You will be able to identify basic and transferable job skills.
  3. You will  explain the difference between personal  and transferable skills.
  1. Create a new document, title it "My Skills".  I want you to revisit the "CIS Skills" we did last class.  Please choose 8 of the skills, either from your list, from the list of the job you ultimately want, and put them into the "My Skills" document.  Please write minimum 3 sentences explaining how you have demonstrated those skills.  
  2. Take the MyRoad, QuickStart, My Personality High School Profiler survey. Make a copy of the results as a Google document called: PDx_Fullname_MyRoadsPersnlProfile. Explore the results. A handout will be available soon
  3. Catch up on any Freewrite responses you have not completed. Read the optional articles for FW1 on slide 3.
  4. Randy Pausch Interview with Diane Sawyer and complete an analysis handout. Share with your partner include your bucket list. Then work together to help one another develop a personal goal to live your life with grace and happiness.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday & Monday, October 3 & 6, 2014

 Dear Class:
Happy Friday!!!!!

Friday PM Assembly Schedule

We will be watching a little more of the "Dropout Nation" and we will be exploring "CIS" with the following link:  CIS Link  We will be using "ddouglas" for user name and "ddhs" for the password.

We will go to "Exploration", "Skills", and then "Select Skill".  We will be taking a "print screen" of this part of the activity.

ALERT:  Progress Reports are next Friday, Oct. 10. Catch up on work now.  I am grading by class, so don't fall out of sinc.

PD 5- Verify teacher access to Google Drive folder.

We have a continuation of exploring Who We Are>
Learning Targets: 
  1. You have identified 3 occupations based upon your QuickStart Careers survey in MyRoad. 
  2. You will identify 3 majors based upon your QuickStart Majors survey in MyRoad. 
  3. You will be able to identify basic and transferable job skills.
  4. Coming up: Explain the difference between personal  and transferable skills.
 Freewrites: ACTIVITIES
  1. Review MyRoad slides 15-21 to complete Careers Tree handout successfully.
    Responses should be complete thoughts, and summary of major points in the text.
  2. Read through MyRoad slides 22- to 26 and then take theMyRoad QuickStart Majors survey. Complete the Majors Tree handout successfully by writing in complete thoughts, sentences. No one word statements please. Due at the end of class. Turn it in with your group's work.
  3. Catch up on any Freewrite responses you have not completed. Read the optional articles for FW1 on slide 3.
  4. Take the MyRoad, QuickStart, My Personality High School Profiler survey. A handout will be available soon.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday & Thursday, October 1 & 2, 2014

 Dear Classes:
Due by October 5
Dear Class:

Friday PM Assembly Schedule

We have a continuation of exploring Who We Are>
Learning Targets:
  1. You have identified 3 occupations based upon your QuickStart Careers survey in MyRoad. 
  2. You will identify 3 majors based upon your QuickStart Majors survey in MyRoad.  (If you do not have the sheet I handed out, you will have to use the link, "make a copy", and fill it your own words!)
  3. You will be able to identify basic and transferable job skills.
  4. Coming up: Explain the difference between personal  and transferable skills.

  1. Review MyRoad slides 15-21 to complete Careers Tree handout successfully.
    Responses should be complete thoughts, and summary of major points in the text.
  2. Read through MyRoad slides 22- to 26 and then take the MyRoad QuickStart Majors survey. Complete theMajors Tree handout successfully by writing in complete thoughts, sentences. No one word statements please.
  3. Catch up on any Freewrite responses you have not completed. Read the optional articles for FW1 on slide 3.
  4. Take the MyRoad, QuickStart, My Personality High School Profiler survey. A handout will be available soon.