Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday & Wednesday, September 29 & 30, 2015

Dear Class:

— MyRoadAcount Set-up and Surveys 
  1. You have now completed the MyRoad tutorial to create an account and took the first survey: ORA Personality.  Please fill in the handout entitled:  DISCOVERING ME MOPPA MyRoad ORA Personality Profile Analysis.  You have the first 25 minutes of class to finish.   Instructions for the ORA handout is:  ORA Instruction Link.  Go to the sign in for the MyRoads (Link)
  2.  Watch video: TED Talk: Make Stress Your Friend; complete these four questions:
  •  How is this video related to PACE?
  • How does your body react to stressful situations in a bad way? In a good way?
  • How should you deal with stress or stressful situations to benefit from it?  OR What do you attach to stress so your body benefits?
  • How does one find courage or resilience from stress?   
Copy the above questions in a new google doc.  Change the title to "TED Talk: Make Stress Your Friend" (copy and paste this title).  Make sure the document is in your folder that is shared with me!

Final Project Intro:   FW #3-5 to be included in slides-- 
  • Use one slide per FW. 
  • In the lower lined section of the storyboard, state 3 traits each of character, describe your type as a leaner and student/work ethic. Give at least 3 examples for each of these aspects.
  • In the box summarize the information you wrote in the lined section in a creative way. Use drawings, arrange fonts for emphasis, etc.
  1. Finish FreeWrites 1, 3-5. Read and follow slide instructions. Extra credit: FW#5b and Personality types by Jung and Meyers Briggs. Make new documents for these results.
  2. Work on unfinished work from this week to finish.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday & Monday, September 25 & 28, 2015

Dear Class:

— MyRoadAcount Set-up and Surveys 
  1. You have now completed the MyRoad tutorial to create an account and took the first survey: ORA Personality.  Please fill in the handout entitled:  DISCOVERING ME MOPPA MyRoad ORA Personality Profile Analysis.  Go to the sign in for the MyRoads (Link)
  2.  Watch video: TED Talk: Make Stress Your Friend; complete these four questions:
  •  How is this video related to PACE?
  • How does your body react to stressful situations in a bad way? In a good way?
  • How should you deal with stress or stressful situations to benefit from it?  OR What do you attach to stress so your body benefits?
  • How does one find courage or resilience from stress?
Copy the above questions in a new google doc.  Change the title to "TED Talk: Make Stress Your Friend" (copy and paste this title).  Make sure the document is in your folder that is shared with me!
  1. Finish FreeWrites 1, 3-5. Read and follow slide instructions. Extra credit: FW#5b and Personality types by Jung and Meyers Briggs. Make new documents for these results.
  2. Work on unfinished work from this week to finish.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday & Thursday, September 23 & 24, 2015

Dear Class:

  •  Watch video: TED Talk: Make Stress Your Friend; complete the short handout (Maybe Friday & Monday).
  • After the video, log into your Google Drive and open your Freewrite document.  If you do not have one or cannot log in to yours do the FreeWrite activities on paper.
    Go to the 
    FreeWrites link here or  found at the bottom of the web page. 
    Follow ACTIVITIES  instructions below.


Read the slide for each FreeWrite (FreeWrite Link) and follow the instructions:

FreeWrite #1 — Senate Bill 81

These next FreeWrites are personality surveys to help you learn about the kind of person you are: 
FreeWrite #3 — What Kind of Student Are You?
FreeWrite #4 — What Is Your Learning Style?

FreeWrite #5 — How Strong Is Your Character?

Be ready to share your discovery with the class-  small group/whole group


  1. Final Project Intro: select theme, title, sections, self-portrait
  2. Complete FreeWrite #2 from Paceography.
  3. Storyboards for FW #3-5 to be included in slides-- 
  • Use one storyboard per aspect/FW. 
  • In the lower lined section of the storyboard, state 3 traits each of character, describe your type as a leaner and student/work ethic. Give at least 3 examples for each of these aspects.
  • In the box summarize the information you wrote in the lined section in a creative way. Use drawings, arrange fonts for emphasis, etc. 

Thursday and Friday — MyRoad Acount Set-up and Surveys 
  1. Follow the MyRoad tutorial to create an account and then take the first survey: ORA Personality
  2. Start the MOPPA Analysis handout.
  3. Work on unfinished work from this week to finish.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday & Tuesday, September 21 & 22, 2015

Dear Class:
Take a few minutes to read the class page below.
With a pencil or pen, please complete any handout that has been given to you.

  • Last week to turn in Syllabus for credit; PACEography due ASAP

Special Activity schedule on Monday: 

Learning Targets: 
You will...
Identify personality types and understand the connection between personality preferences and career/ job choices.

identify traits and aspects of yourself as a student/learner, of your character and 
Good to Know...

TYPES OF DEGREES -  How much post-secondary education do I need? 

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Vocabulary:  Personality Type defined
Personality types by Jung and Meyers Briggs.

September 15 - 18, Week 1 B
This week,  we plan on engaging in the following activities: 
Continuation from last week— 

  1. Period 1: Personality Assessments-  
    Learn 360 video: 

  • Watch video:  Looking At Careers: It's Never Too Soon; complete the handout as directed.
  • After the video, log into your Google Drive and open your Freewrite document.  If you do not have one or cannot log in to yours do the FreeWrite activities on paper.
    Go to the 
    FreeWrites link here or  found at the bottom of the web page.
    Follow ACTIVITIES  instructions below.
Period 2 Special Activities / 20 min 

  • Homecoming Nominations               Students—  list ONE male and ONE female student per form.                Sophomores--Yellow,  Juniors--Pink,   Seniors—Blue
  • Receive your DDHS Planner— write your name inside, note that hall passes are now written in the daily memo section. 
  • Review  school policies -                       New Clock System, Assemblies, Games, Electronic Devices – Pg. 52
                  Section 2, Dress Code – Pg.36, Harassment – Pg. 49 


Periods 2 & 3

  •  Watch video: TED Talk: Make Stress Your Friend; complete the short handout.
  • After the video, log into your Google Drive and open your Freewrite document.  If you do not have one or cannot log in to yours do the FreeWrite activities on paper.
    Go to the 
    FreeWrites link here or  found at the bottom of the web page. 
    Follow ACTIVITIES  instructions below.


Read the slide for each FreeWrite and follow the instructions:

FreeWrite #1 — Senate Bill 81
These next FreeWrites are personality surveys to help you learn about the kind of person you are: 
FreeWrite #3 — What Kind of Student Are You?
FreeWrite #4 — What Is Your Learning Style?
FreeWrite #5 — How Strong Is Your Character?

Wednesday— TBD

Thursday and Friday — MyRoad Acount Set-up and Surveys 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday & Friday, September 17 & 18, 2015

Dear Class:

Thursday and Friday

Accounts set-up: Google Drive (new login)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday & Wendesday, September 15 & 16th, 2015

Dear Class:

Take a few minutes to read the class page below.
With a pencil or pen, please complete any handout that has been given to you.

Learning Targets: Students will --
  • Know class norms and policies that help them be successful in class and life.

Identify personality types and understand the connection between personality preferences and career/ job choices.
Good to Know...

TYPES OF DEGREES -  How much post-secondary education do I need? 

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Vocabulary:  Personality Type defined
Personality types by Jung and Meyers Briggs.

September 15 - 18, Week 1 B
This week,  we plan on engaging in the following activities: 
  • Continuation from the first day— 
    Getting to know others--
    Connections --20 min
    What I know about getting a job. 
    —10 min
  • Learn classroom routines- leaving the room, food & drink, demonstrations, talk time, turning in work.
  • Expectations and policies- see sidebar
  • Accounts set-up: Google Drive (new login), MyRoad.
  • Personality Assessments- Learn 360 video: Looking At Careers: It's Never Too Soon;
  • End of class: Turn in the Paceography and Syllabus to the class "TURN IN"folder. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Friday & Monday, September 11 & 14, 2015

Dear Class:

September 11 & 14

Welcome Back to School Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors!

This is the class page/website. Everything we need to know or do is posted here.
Take a few minutes to read the class page below and become familiar with the site.

Note: With a pencil or pen, please complete any handout that has been given to you.

Mock Interviews will occur on the following dates:
Semester 1 —Thursday and Friday, January 7 and 8
Semester 2 —Thursday and Friday, May 5 and 6


Learning Targets: Students will --
Know the acronym PACE, the purpose
 of this class,  and how it will benefit them.

Good to Know...

How much post-secondary education do I need?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Vocabulary: Soon

Today we plan on engaging in the following activities:

Sharing a bit about ourselves--
Fill out the Paceography handout  —15 min.
                      2 T's and a L—10 min.

What is PACE? What will we do? How can one be successful? --Syllabus —20 min
PACE introduction and account set-up presentation
Getting to know others--Connections --20 min
What I know about getting a job. —10 min

Exit/ End of class:

Turn in the Paceography to the  "TURN IN" folder as you walk out the door.
Take it home to complete and bring to the next class.

Take the Syllabus home, have your parents sign it and place it in  "TURN IN" folder.
You have two weeks to turn the Syllabus in for extra credit.