Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dear Class:

Interviews are on May 1 & 2, Thursday and Friday!  Please meet me at the Library dressed appropriately for the interview.  If you do not have the proper clothes, please see your counselor or go to the Career Center.  I will have your final resume and your grade sheet with me.


You will be doing "Practice" interviews with each other.  I will be handing out the sheets for you to use.  Please take this very seriously.  Each practice will help each of you adjust to the process of interviewing...

Please finish the interview questions that you started and worked on Thursday and Friday.  Copy the questions into your freewrite document and answer each question in a complete sentence and thoughtfully. 

Be ready to interview each other.  You need to stand up, introduce yourself to the other person, smile, maintain good eye contact, and shake their hands.  You will ask a question yourself to the person interviewing you.  At the conclusion of the interview, you will smile, maintain good eye contact, shake their hand, and thank them for interviewing you.

I will be handing out the scoring guides and we will be looking at those today.  I want you to put the information requested on the top of the paper.  I will give you points for that and you will be handed it back on interview day along with a clean copy of your resume.


  Learning Targets:
  1. Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed.
  2. Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences,  skills and abilities.
  3. Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills
All final resumes are due today.
When you finish your draft or as you complete it....
follow the Resume Building Slide Presentation 2014.

  1. Print your resume today. Next class period is the last day to revise before the mock interview. 
  2. Finish your first resume. 
    Write your one liners in business language complete with experience example.
    Compare your draft to the class student example on slide 21
  3. You should have had a partner score your resume by now using the Resume Scoring Guide.  If not, go to an earlier day and find that document and review another student's resume.  It will be part of your grade!  Save it to the documents folder. Read the directions.
    Score your partner's work accurately and then make the revisions necessary. There should be a score for each arrow. 
  4. Make revisions before you print off

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Monday & Tuesday, April 28 & 29th, 2014

Dear Class:

Interviews are on May 1 & 2, Thursday and Friday!  Please meet me at the Library dressed appropriately for the interview.  If you do not have the proper clothes, please see your counselor or go to the Career Center.  I will have your final resume and your grade sheet with me.

Monday and Tuesday

Please finish the interview questions that you started and worked on Thursday and Friday.  Copy the questions into your freewrite document and answer each question in a complete sentence and thoughtfully. 

Be ready to interview each other.  You need to stand up, introduce yourself to the other person, smile, maintain good eye contact, and shake their hands.  You will ask a question yourself to the person interviewing you.  At the conclusion of the interview, you will smile, maintain good eye contact, shake their hand, and thank them for interviewing you.

I will be handing out the scoring guides and we will be looking at those today.  I want you to put the information requested on the top of the paper.  I will give you points for that and you will be handed it back on interview day along with a clean copy of your resume.


  Learning Targets:
  1. Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed.
  2. Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences,  skills and abilities.
  3. Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills
All final resumes are due today.
When you finish your draft or as you complete it....
follow the Resume Building Slide Presentation 2014.

  1. Print your resume today. Next class period is the last day to revise before the mock interview. 
  2. Finish your first resume. 
    Write your one liners in business language complete with experience example.
    Compare your draft to the class student example on slide 21
  3. You should have had a partner score your resume by now using the Resume Scoring Guide.  If not, go to an earlier day and find that document and review another student's resume.  It will be part of your grade!  Save it to the documents folder. Read the directions.
    Score your partner's work accurately and then make the revisions necessary. There should be a score for each arrow. 
  4. Make revisions before you print off 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday & Friday, April 24 & 25, 2014

Dear Class:

Thursday and Friday

Copy the questions into your freewrite document and answer each question in a complete sentence and thoughtfully. Be ready to share with the class one of your responses.

I will be handing out the scoring guides and we will be looking at those today.  I want you to put the information requested on the top of the paper.  I will give you points for that and you will be handed it back on interview day along with a clean copy of your resume.


  Learning Targets:
  1. Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed.
  2. Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences,  skills and abilities.
  3. Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills
All resume drafts are due today.
When you finish your draft or as you complete it....
follow the Resume Building Slide Presentation 2014.

  1. Print your resume today. Next class period is the last day to revise before the mock interview. 
  2. Finish your first resume. 
    Write your one liners in business language complete with experience example.
    Compare your draft to the class student example on slide 21
  3. You should have had a partner score your resume by now using the Resume Scoring Guide.  If not, go to an earlier day and find that document and review another student's resume.  It will be part of your grade!  Save it to the documents folder. Read the directions.
    Score your partner's work accurately and then make the revisions necessary. There should be a score for each arrow. 
  4. Make revisions before you print off a draft.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday, April 22 & 23, 2014

WEEK OF APRIL 14-18, PR 2- WK 4 ​
Progress Reports Go Out Friday!!

3 Class periods before Mock Interviews! May 1 & 2
See your counselor if you need clothes for  your interview.
I am grading work class by class. If you turn in work after I grade your class' work, I will not be regrading work until AFTER THE PROGRESS REPORT.
Please.... meet the class deadline!!

Video #3: The Right Job For Your Personality

Answer these QUESTIONS  in your FREEWRITE DOCUMENT. Click the link

  Learning Targets:
  1. Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed.
  2. Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences,  skills and abilities.
  3. Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills

  1. Finish your first resume draft. 
    Write your one liners in business language complete with experience example.
    Compare your draft to the class student example on slide 21
FREEWRITE: Watch video: Resumes: A How-To Guide

Respond to these questions/statements—
What makes a resume strong or weak?
What should one include in a resume according to this video?
 What does this video suggest If you don't have any work experience?
What does it say that you could include in your resume?
From the student comments, what skills or experiences did they mention that you could also apply to you and your resume?
 Take a few minutes to complete the COLORS exercise.
What are some of your examples?
How do these compare to your already chosen skills?
Would any of these add relevancy or variety to your resume?
Which ones? Explain.
What type of resume covered in the program most closely follows our class resume style and format? Explain any similarities and differences.
What are the three styles of resumes and what do each emphasize?
What are the 5 basic components of a resume?

 DUE THIS WEEK- 1st and 2nd draft of your resume. One liners in business language. Start your Education Plan Question response. Learning Targets: Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed.
Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences, skills and abilities.
Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills
Continuation with the resume project.

All resume drafts are due today.
When you finish your draft or as you complete it....
follow the Resume Building Slide Presentation 2014.

1) Putting together a resume includes five components. Resume Slide Presentation
We worked on part two of the Resume Workbook that dealt with the specific jobs you are looking, a specific job you will target, and what is required for that job. We worked on the objective for that job as well. PAGES 11-14 TODAY IN RESUME WORKBOOK; PLACE IN DOC CALLED "RESUME PREP"; ONE LINERS WRITTEN OUT AND THEN ONE LINERS APPLIED TO SKILLS

Resume Workbook

Finish your first resume draft. STUDENT RESUME TEMPLATE

Score your resume using the Resume Scoring Guide.
 Download it to your hard drive. Save it to the documents folder and then print it. Score your work accurately and then make the revisions necessary.

Ask your partner to score your document too.

Make revisions before you print off a second draft.

Complete the Education Plan worksheet. My Education Plan Questions (120.39 KB) Download this document. Save it as: PDx_fullname_Ed Plan Questions.

Answer each question in complete sentences. Some questions may seem similar but are asking you to stretch your thinking. Upload the document to your Google Drive account each day to protect your work.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Friday & Monday, April 18 & 21, 2014

WEEK OF APRIL 14-18, PR 2- WK 4 ​

Open up the rough draft of resume we started.  I handed out a packet for the assignment that has to do with one liners that you will be using for the job duties/tasks and skills.  You will fill in the information and then transfer those one liners you created onto the resume you created.

1.  Packet on "One-Liners".  This will not be accepted after today.  You have had plenty of time to work on it.

2.  Resume Scoring guide filled in using the  Resume Scoring Guide.  You need to find a partner who will review your resume.  This will be graded because if you score a resume without helping that individual, then you have not done your job.

3.  Rough draft #1 printed out today and handed in.  Make revisions before you print off the first draft. I will not be doing your work on this resume.  The resume needs to be very close to being a final revision!  If it is so poorly done that I cannot even review it, I will enter a "0" for a grade.

One liners in business language. Start your Education Plan Question response. Learning Targets: Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed.
Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences, skills and abilities.
Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills
Continuation with the resume project.

There are resume examples on the last four pages of the Resume Workbook

1) Putting together a resume includes five components.  Resume Slide Presentation
We worked on part two of the Resume Workbook that dealt with the specific jobs you are looking, a specific job you will target, and what is required for that job. We worked on the objective for that job as well. PAGES 11-14 TODAY IN RESUME WORKBOOK; PLACE IN DOC CALLED "RESUME PREP"; ONE LINERS WRITTEN OUT AND THEN ONE LINERS APPLIED TO SKILLS

Finish your first resume draft. STUDENT RESUME TEMPLATE

Score your resume using the Resume Scoring Guide.
 Download it to your hard drive. Save it to the documents folder and then print it. Score your work accurately and then make the revisions necessary.

Ask your partner to score your document.

One liners in business language. Start your Education Plan Question response. Learning Targets: Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed.
Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences, skills and abilities.
Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills

FREEWRITE: Watch video (shown over two class periods): Resumes: A How-To Guide

Respond to these questions/statements—
What makes a resume strong or weak?
What should one include in a resume according to this video?
 What does this video suggest If you don't have any work experience?
What does it say that you could include in your resume?
From the student comments, what skills or experiences did they mention that you could also apply to you and your resume?
 Take a few minutes to complete the COLORS exercise.
What are some of your examples?
How do these compare to your already chosen skills?
Would any of these add relevancy or variety to your resume?
Which ones? Explain.
What type of resume covered in the program most closely follows our class resume style and format? Explain any similarities and differences.
What are the three styles of resumes and what do each emphasize?
What are the 5 basic components of a resume?

Complete the Education Plan worksheet. My Education Plan Questions (120.39 KB) Download this document. Save it as: PDx_fullname_Ed Plan Questions.

Answer each question in complete sentences. Some questions may seem similar but are asking you to stretch your thinking. Upload the document to your Google Drive account each day to protect your work.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday & Tuesday, April 14 & 15, 2014

WEEK OF APRIL 14-18, PR 2- WK 4 ​

FREEWRITE: Watch video (shown over two class periods): Resumes: A How-To Guide

Respond to these questions/statements—
What makes a resume strong or weak?
What should one include in a resume according to this video?
 What does this video suggest If you don't have any work experience?
What does it say that you could include in your resume?
From the student comments, what skills or experiences did they mention that you could also apply to you and your resume?
 Take a few minutes to complete the COLORS exercise.
What are some of your examples?
How do these compare to your already chosen skills?
Would any of these add relevancy or variety to your resume?
Which ones? Explain.
What type of resume covered in the program most closely follows our class resume style and format? Explain any similarities and differences.
What are the three styles of resumes and what do each emphasize?
What are the 5 basic components of a resume?

 DUE THIS WEEK- 1st and 2nd draft of your resume. One liners in business language. Start your Education Plan Question response. Learning Targets: Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed.
Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences, skills and abilities.
Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills
Continuation with the resume project.

1) Putting together a resume includes five components. Resume Slide Presentation
We worked on part two of the Resume Workbook that dealt with the specific jobs you are looking, a specific job you will target, and what is required for that job. We worked on the objective for that job as well. PAGES 11-14 TODAY IN RESUME WORKBOOK; PLACE IN DOC CALLED "RESUME PREP"; ONE LINERS WRITTEN OUT AND THEN ONE LINERS APPLIED TO SKILLS

Resume Workbook

Finish your first resume draft. STUDENT RESUME TEMPLATE

Score your resume using the Resume Scoring Guide.
 Download it to your hard drive. Save it to the documents folder and then print it. Score your work accurately and then make the revisions necessary.

Ask your partner to score your document too.

Make revisions before you print off a second draft.

Complete the Education Plan worksheet. My Education Plan Questions (120.39 KB) Download this document. Save it as: PDx_fullname_Ed Plan Questions.

Answer each question in complete sentences. Some questions may seem similar but are asking you to stretch your thinking. Upload the document to your Google Drive account each day to protect your work.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday & Friday, April 10 & 11, 2014

Dear Class:

CIS link

We are done with our personal inventory assessments related to "Who Am I". We have summarized and analyzed our results in the PIAR worksheet. Now we take our final career/job choice and use it as the focus of our resume.

Learning Targets:

Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed. Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences, skills and abilities.

This weeks activities—

\>- What do you know about making a resume? 2) What are the components to an effective resume?

My Education Plan Questions Download this document. Save it as: PDx_fullname_Ed Plan Questions. Answer each question in complete sentences. Some questions may seem similar but are asking you to stretch your thinking. Upload the document to your Google Drive account each day to protect your work.

3) Putting together a resume includes five components. Resume Slide Presentation
We worked on part two of the Resume Workbook that dealt with the specific jobs you are looking, a specific job you will target, and what is required for that job. We worked on the objective for that job as well.

Resume Workbook

Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, April 7, 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday, April 8 & 9, 2014

Dear Class:

CIS link

We are done with our personal inventory assessments related to "Who Am I". We have summarized and analyzed our results in the PIAR worksheet. Now we take our final career/job choice and use it as the focus of our resume.

Learning Targets:

Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed. Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences, skills and abilities.

This weeks activities—

1) Pre-test- What do you know about making a resume? 2) What are the components to an effective resume?

Video: Resume Writing For Teens

On a google doc, answer these questions: What is the purpose of a resume? What should the resume focus on? What should you include in the resume? How should the resume be structured? Citation:Resume Writing For Teens. TMW. 1997 Learn360. 07 April 2014

3) Putting together a resume includes five components. Resume Slide Presentation

Resume Workbook

Mr. Green-Hite

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Monday & Tuesday, April 7 & 8, 2014

Dear Class:

First, while I take roll, please open a new document and title it: "Teenage Sells App". Read this Article: Teenager Sells App For $40 Million And Why You Should Care Why does the author title it this way? What are the implications for you in today's society? Does this apply to your parents? Why or Why not?

Go to Occupations "Reality Check". Go to CIS, Occupations tab, Which Occupations match my preferences, and then "Reality Check". Plug in the appropriate parts and money and run it. See which job you would need to support that type of lifestyle. Post three jobs that you would need to support this money. Are any of these jobs ones you had chosen for yourself? Does this make you want to change your focus for education and careers?

CIS link

We are done with our personal inventory assessments related to "Who Am I". We have summarized and analyzed our results in the PIAR worksheet. Now we take our final career/job choice and use it as the focus of our resume.

Learning Targets:

Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed. Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences, skills and abilities.

This weeks activities—

1) Pre-test- What do you know about making a resume? 2) What are the components to an effective resume?

Video: Resume Writing For Teens

On a google doc, answer these questions: What is the purpose of a resume? What should the resume focus on? What should you include in the resume? How should the resume be structured? Citation:Resume Writing For Teens. TMW. 1997 Learn360. 07 April 2014

3) Putting together a resume includes five components. Resume slide presentation.

Resume Workbook

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday & Thursday, April 2 & 3, 2014

Dear Class:

WEEK 6, S2 March 17-31


Open up your "vocabulary" document and define "blue collar" job and "white collar" job.

Start a new document entitled "blue collar" and read the "high paying blue collar jobs" and explain why you believe these jobs are truly "blue collar" from your definition of blue collar and why they are not white collar. Did you learn anything from reading these job descriptions?

CIS link

PERSONAL INVENTORY ANALYSIS -- We will work on this today and you need to finish it by the end of the class!

Learning Target: Students explore ways to better understand their actions and the outcomes of their actions. Burning ???? How are habits created and how do they affect one's life- present and future?

Freewrites for the week-
INTRO TO 7HABITS (slides 1-5, 6-11)
Follow the directions for your freewrite.
Slide 2 - Freewrite part 1
Slide 4 - Freewrite part 2,
Rap video question
Slides 5&6 - Freewrite part 3
Slide 7 - Vocabulary and sentence using the word

Learning Target: To analyze your interest, preference and skills assessments to identify occupations that match.
How do you do this? You will list top scores from each category and explore the occupations listed with each score. You will then select your two favorite/preferred choices.
What am I looking for? You are looking for patterns that show similar occupations or clusters across the assessment scores.

Monday/Tuesday Activities
Complete these handouts:
PIAR: Personal Inventory Analysis and ReflectionSECTION 4— PULLING IT ALL TOGETHER
Now that you have completed the analysis of your three assessments, you should be able to see a pattern to your results. Look over your results from the: INTEREST PROFILER, WORK IMPORTANCE LOCATOR, and HOLLAND PERSONALITY that you wrote in the three prior handouts. Complete the handout as directed.

MyCOE: My Career and Occupations Exploration
How well do your skills match your chosen or desired career /occupation?
While in your Skills Answer page, click on the “Top 30 Occupations” link.
You should see occupation titles listed with numerical scores next to them. These are listed under categories called Occupational Clusters.
CIS Explanation:“The occupational ratings can go from +100 to -44. The higher the rating, the better the match between your skills and the skills required by the occupation. All of the occupations on your Top 30 list are good matches with your skill preferences.

Compare the two (PIAR) occupations from page 8 of your PIAR, Section 4, to the list of the “Top 30”.
Which occupations from the “Top 30” list match the closest to these two (PIAR) occupations?
Complete the handout as directed.

Mr. Green-Hite