Monday, February 4, 2013

Tuesday & Wednesday, February 5 & 6, 2013

Dear Class:

Instructions: Find the correct date for your Freewrite. Read the questions/statements completely. Respond to the questions/statements in the appropriately dated boxed row of your freewrite. Include the question in your response and number each response statement. Be thorough and write in complete sentences.

Grading- Each response is worth up to 5 points however, extra points can be earned for exceptional reflective thinking and well written response. Quantity is not always quality but minimal thinking is not a guarantee success either. Perform to your best level.

Respond to these questions after you have completed “Thinking About Me “ and the “Interest Profiler” Write a minimum of 4 to five 5 complete sentences. These questions may help: 1 What are your interests? Have your interests changed over the past year? How? What careers have you identified that reflect your interests? 2 What did you learn about yourself from the career assessments you used? 3 What strengths and talents do you have? What careers have you identified that use these strengths and talents?

Learning Target- Students will identify 1-2 key interests and find 3 careers related to it from the CIS website. A) After completing the Interest Profiler, you will be presented with a rating of your interests sorted by percentage. Choose the top 2 interests, those with the highest score and research careers/occupations. Post these occupations in a new google doc the will be entitled "Name_Interest Occupations" and include a general description of each career. Include your top two interests in your summary. See CIS- INTEREST PROFILER, STUDENT SCORE REPORT. B) Complete page 3 of the Thinking about me.

New assignments: Learning Target- Students will know the consequence of copyright infringement as it pertains to music. Complete Reading Assessment- Copyright Infringement handout. Learning Target- Students will identify 30 skills fitting within a hierarchy of satisfaction- very, moderately and somewhat satisfying. Read the handout instructions to CIS-Skills Assessment and complete the handout. When you are finished place your top 30 skills in order of preference in your CIS Skills Assessment Activity page.


Mr. Green-Hite

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