Thursday, February 9, 2017

Friday & Monday, February 10 & 13, 2017

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments
 1.   Access the FreeWrite assignment slides and complete the following task in your Freewrite document: FW #4    What Kind of Learner Am I?    Copy the results into your FW (1st column under date) and answer the questions on the slide.

2. You need to know the vocabulary.  Budget Vocabulary Flashcard Practice Go over the words and the definitions and then go "Back" and take one of the tests. Copy and Paste results of test in a document entitled: Last Name_Quizlet Test. There will be a test on this next week....

3.  Log into CIS again.  Today we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  To do this, we will be looking at "Reality Check" which is under the "Occupations" tab.  Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "Your name_Reality_Check".  We will explore this later as we define the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting pay will be.  The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took!

(When you get back into CIS, we used your student id for the user name and then for password put the first letter of your first name capitalized, the first letter of your last name lower case and then your student id number.)

4.  I am not sure if we will get to this point but log into CIS again.  Today we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  To do this, we will be looking at "Skills" which is under the "Exploration" tab.  Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "Your name_Skills".  Save the document in CIS!  We will explore this later as we define the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting pay will be.  The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took!

We may or may not get to FreeWrite assignment # 5 "How strong is your character" slide. Do only 3-5 traits you have or would like to push for.

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