Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of March 30-April 3

Welcome to Week 2 of PR 2, March 30-April 3

Learning Targets: 
  1. Students will know the five key parts/sections to a resume. 
  2. Students will explain the why resumes have a certain visual look and structure
  3. Students will know the key information necessary for an effective resume and why.
  4. Coming up: Students will identify post-secondary education  options based on their survey results.

Monday/ B day  & Tuesday/A day

Finish online "Handout" for assignment.  Please download, work on in CS Adobe using the type tool, then upload it.  We will do the type tool together.
  1. We will work on, and finish, the Skills Worksheet today.  We may get to the CIS part of same.
    You should have completed the Skills Worksheet from last class.
    •  Open the Skills tutorial at the bottom of the page.
    •  Read and follow the instructions. 
    • We will use the CS Acrobat tool for typing here as well.

    Use the following for CIS (Link):  

    Username:  cpcc
    Password:  mthood
Go to "Exploration", then to "Skills", choose "Select Skills" and then put in the numbers you used on your "online Skills sheet".  Go to the bottom of the screen and "Get Results".  Take a screen shot of "Summary", "Holland Personality Types", and "Top 30 Occupations" page.  
You will "Change Skills" on the top, go to the bottom of the page and select "OCC Select" (Occupation select), find the career/occupation you decided on from previous work, and then "Get My Results".  Take a snapshot of "Summary" and "Holland Personality Skills".  Paste them under your "Summary" and type in the job that the summary is from and then take a snapshot of the "Holland Personality Types" and paste it under yours with a note of which job it is from so you don't confuse the two.

Create a new Freewrite document for PR2.  Include the same headings you had in FW document for PR1. In the second row begin with the FW posted below:
FREEWRITE:  # 7 Thoughts for the Day

  • This FW is intended to provide a reflective moment about who we are and how we  manage challenges in our lives. Great follow up to the conferences and Progress Report. 

  • Resume Start-Up: What goes into a resume?
    Watch the video, Resume Writing For Teens and complete FW 8
  • Freewrite Link
  1. Open the link at the bottom of this page: How To Write A Resume
  2. Read slides 1-14 (together in class)  and then go to FW #9. 
    Working with your partner, c
    omplete FW 8.
  3. Now you are ready to write an objective for your resume and begin the process of resume writing.
    Read section 2 of the Resume Tutorial.
    Complete the Job Objective Handout.

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