Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday & Thursday, March 18 & 19, 2015

Learning Targets: 
  1. Students will know how to analyze survey data to identify and explore career opportunities related to their interests and personality type.
  2. Students will determine which careers they are most interested in pursuing in their career exploration. 
  3. Students will identify skills they have based on  personal experience.
  4. Coming up: Students will identify post-secondary education  options based on their survey results.

Monday/ B day  & Tuesday/A day
Freewrite Link

Thursday:  Special Activity Schedule
ASB Vote

Finish online "Handout" for assignment.  Please download, work on in CS Adobe using the type tool, then upload it.  We will do the type tool together.
  1. We will work on, and finish, the Skills Worksheet today.  We may get to the CIS part of same.
    Those who are ready to complete the Skills Worksheet started last class.
    •  Open the Skills tutorial at the bottom of the page.
    •  Read and follow the instructions. 
    •  Be ready to follow the short demonstrations on completing steps 3, 4 & 5. 
    • We will use the CS Acrobat tool for typing here as well.

    Use the following for CIS (Link):  

    Username:  cpcc
    Password:  mthood

  2. Take the MyRoad Majors survey if you have not yet. Handout will be passed out next week.
  3.   Documents that we have and will use:   MyRoad Careers Analysis, MyRoad ORA Personality Profile Analysis, Randy Pausch Handout, MyRoad Majors Analysis.

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