Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday & Friday, February 27 & 28th, 2014

Dear Class:

We are fortunate enough to have "COLLEGE POSSIBLE" presenting to you information about looking into why should you go to college, what college can do for you, where to go to college, how to pay for it, and so on.

Please give them your full attention and turn your monitors off during the presentation.

Coming Next Week: OAKS Reading Assessment- Be ready. Get sleep. Eat healthy. Be here on time and ready to do your best!
You will be working on class assignments when you finish the test.
Bring a book or other classwork for those moments when you are caught up.

Learning Targets- Students will

identify personal preferences, interests and skill (3-7)
analyze assessment results

These are how we meet our objectives-
Freewrite entry

Thursday/Friday Freewrite:
60 Minutes: 3 Million Open Jobs Test for aptitude; Interview for attitude

As millions of Americans remain unemployed, U.S. manufacturers are having trouble filling jobs requiring the skills to operate their high-tech machinery. Watch it now 12 minute video

Response Questions:

According to the video, who are the parties responsible for training/ educating people for employment and why?
Do you think many of your peers are ready for entering the working environment? Why?
What would you suggest they do to better prepare themselves for work?

Complete the Skills Assessment Worksheet.

Complete the Personal Inventory Analysis and Reflection document pages 2-5. This assignment helps you make sense of the inventory assessments you took on the CIS site. It is a summary of your interests, likes and preferences based upon the results and comments from the CIS assessments. Give specifics wherever you can by thinking about how these preferences and interests show up in your life.(Ex.The Interest Profiler says that you are artistic and investigative, and you show this by creating drawings that illustrate the world). Complete pages 2-5 before responding to the reflection summary in the box below, page 1. For each section on pages 2-5 in this assignment, you will go to the Assessment and Tools link in Your Portfolio and click on the relevant assessment tool. Description: Interest Profiler Description: Description: Importance Locator and follow the Restore Answer Set 1Description: Description: links to your score. Read through each section and complete it as directed.

Ashton Kutcher Speech
What 3 messages does Ashton send?

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