Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday & Thursday, November 20 & 21, 2013

Dear Class:


Learning Targets:
Students know how to use business language to describe their skills, abilities and experiences.
Students can generate a resume that has a structure, relevant content related to an attainable objective.

> Resume Draft #1 - pgs 20-22- handwritten
Read through your draft- check for spelling, convention and grammatical errors

> Resume Draft #2 - type your information using the Resume Template.
Download the template located at the bottom of this web page in the Download section.
Save to your documents folder.
File name: PDx_FullName_Resume draft2

Follow the instructions on the template and replace the information with the data you wrote on pgs. 21-22.

Self edit/proof- Use the Scoring Guide to proof your resume using Word's grammar and spell checker. Reread your statements for accuracy and sense. Score your draft honestly using A/S/R notations.

Peer edit/proof- Print out your draft and have it proofed by the person next to you. Ask them to score using the key and sign the paper.

pg 7 - Job objective~ Write your objective using this prompt:
I am seeking a position as a ______ in the ______ occupations cluster/industry/field.
This is also copied into your Job Objective on page 10.

We have a speaker on Tuesday and Wednesday. Period one has Ms. Dorn from 9:10-9:25. Period four has Ms. Sanford from 1:20-1:35. Period 8 has Ms. Dorn from 1:50-2:05. I want you to behave yourselves, turn off your monitors, and pay attention. You represent me and yourselves when visitors are in the classroom! They will be talking about the interview process with you. You will have to do a "Job Objective" (This is a link to samples). I want the job objective to be looked at again. I was not satisfied with what I had seen before.

This week in PACE.....Resume Workbook Presentation

Resume Workbook: You should be done with filling in pages 8, 10, and 12 up to page 19 and will finish the resume workbook. I want the Job Objective to be written correctly. Hand in the Resume Workbooks by placing them on my desk. If you loose your Resume Workbook , that is tough. You will have to do it on note paper and hand that in at the end of the period. I will be taking points away for loosing it! We will use the following "Resume Template" for the resume.

Mr. Green-Hite

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