Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thursday & Friday, May 9 & 10, 2019

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments

We are done with the "Why College".  We are going into the budgeting.  On Thursday and Friday I do want to start looking at the final.  Partly because of the seniors and partly to get a start on it.

1.  Today we will finish exploring what it will take to live on a fixed budget.

Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

Complete a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner. You will select one of the following jobs and look up the beginning annual wage on slide 3/Step 2 of the tutorial: waiter/waitress/dishwasher; lawn mower, babysitter/ child care worker, barista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, laborer.  Use the forthcoming minimum wage of  $12.00.

2.  For A day, you will do the second Budget based on the job you included in your resume.  Use the median pay and I should see the payments for students loans based on the amount of debt after 4 years which should be in your "Why College?" documents.

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