Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday & Tuesday, June

Dear Class:

Learning Targets: 
Students will --

  • document their 18 week exploration of personal inventory, job readiness and preparedness and developing a post-secondary education plan.

Monday, A day & Tuesday, B day 


  • Watch "Minimum Wage: "  Minimum Wage: Morgan Spurlock 
  • Create a document named "Minimum Wage"
  • Copy and paste the questions into your document
  • Answer the questions.

       ActivitiesStudents, you will work on the following today:  

  1. Section 3:
    > Education Plan reflection. See tutorial slides-
    > Mission Statement
    > Citations  Use David Douglas High School Site Library "GALE, OSLIS, LearningExpress Library & Citation Maker"  Link
  2. Catch up on other slides. 
  3. Check each slide for grammar, punctuation and spelling
  4. Check each slide for matching the font type, size and 
  5. PhotoShop lesson for those finished with building slides and content.  
Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 

30 Days Minimum Wage

 __________________- The income level below which income isinsufficient to support a family or household. 

__________________- The percentage of people who live inhouseholds with income below the official poverty line.

 _______________ is the current Federal minimum wage

1. How much does a person working 40 hours a week on minimum wage earnper month?  40 x ______ = _________ gross weekly income x 4 = _________ gross monthly income.Subtract - 15% (tax) _____________= ___________ net monthly income. Annual salary = _______________ ($11,490.00 is the 2013 poverty threshold)

2. What are the three rules Morgan and Alex must live by? 

3. Why do they choose Ohio as the place for their minimum wage experiment?

4. When was the last time Congress raised the minimum wage?

5. What did Morgan make for his 11-hour day?

6. Who provides them with furniture for their apartment?

7. What are two reasons Morgan does not go to the doctor when he hurts his wrist?

8. What does Morgan do to catch up after medical expenses and the electric bill deposit?

9. What makes living on minimum wage almost impossible?

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