Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday & Thursday, October 1 & 2, 2014

 Dear Classes:
Due by October 5
Dear Class:

Friday PM Assembly Schedule

We have a continuation of exploring Who We Are>
Learning Targets:
  1. You have identified 3 occupations based upon your QuickStart Careers survey in MyRoad. 
  2. You will identify 3 majors based upon your QuickStart Majors survey in MyRoad.  (If you do not have the sheet I handed out, you will have to use the link, "make a copy", and fill it your own words!)
  3. You will be able to identify basic and transferable job skills.
  4. Coming up: Explain the difference between personal  and transferable skills.

  1. Review MyRoad slides 15-21 to complete Careers Tree handout successfully.
    Responses should be complete thoughts, and summary of major points in the text.
  2. Read through MyRoad slides 22- to 26 and then take the MyRoad QuickStart Majors survey. Complete theMajors Tree handout successfully by writing in complete thoughts, sentences. No one word statements please.
  3. Catch up on any Freewrite responses you have not completed. Read the optional articles for FW1 on slide 3.
  4. Take the MyRoad, QuickStart, My Personality High School Profiler survey. A handout will be available soon.

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