ALERT: Progress Reports are this Friday, Oct. 10. Catch up on work now. I am grading by class, so don't fall out of sinc.
Friday is an Early Release Day- out at 11 am.
Next week- all Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors will be taking the PSAT with a few exceptions. More information coming soon.
We continue to explore Who We Are>
Learning Targets:
- You will identify 3 majors based upon your QuickStart Majors survey in MyRoad.
- You will be able to identify basic and transferable job skills.
- You will explain the difference between personal and transferable skills.
- Monday & Tuesday, Watch 20 minutes Dropout Nation, work on handout. Share thoughts.
- Tuesday & Wednesday Handout FW: 7 LEARN 360:THE SKILLS YOU NEED TO GET A JOB
- Thursday & Friday - > Randy Pausch Interview with Diane Sawyer
- Create a new document, title it "My Skills". I want you to revisit the "CIS Skills" we did last class. Please choose 8 of the skills, either from your list, from the list of the job you ultimately want, and put them into the "My Skills" document. Please write minimum 3 sentences explaining how you have demonstrated those skills.
- Take the MyRoad, QuickStart, My Personality High School Profiler survey. Make a copy of the results as a Google document called: PDx_Fullname_MyRoadsPersnlProfile. Explore the results. A handout will be available soon
- Catch up on any Freewrite responses you have not completed. Read the optional articles for FW1 on slide 3.
- Randy Pausch Interview with Diane Sawyer and complete an analysis handout. Share with your partner include your bucket list. Then work together to help one another develop a personal goal to live your life with grace and happiness.
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