Monday, October 6, 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday, October 6 & 7, 2014

Dear Class:

 ALERT:  Progress Reports are this Friday, Oct. 10Catch up on work now.  I am grading by class, so don't fall out of sinc.

Friday is an Early Release Day- out at 11 am.
Next week-  all Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors will be taking the PSAT with a few exceptions. More information coming soon.

We continue to explore Who We Are>
Learning Targets: 
  1. You will identify 3 majors based upon your QuickStart Majors survey in MyRoad. 
  2. You will be able to identify basic and transferable job skills.
  3. You will  explain the difference between personal  and transferable skills.
  1. Create a new document, title it "My Skills".  I want you to revisit the "CIS Skills" we did last class.  Please choose 8 of the skills, either from your list, from the list of the job you ultimately want, and put them into the "My Skills" document.  Please write minimum 3 sentences explaining how you have demonstrated those skills.  
  2. Take the MyRoad, QuickStart, My Personality High School Profiler survey. Make a copy of the results as a Google document called: PDx_Fullname_MyRoadsPersnlProfile. Explore the results. A handout will be available soon
  3. Catch up on any Freewrite responses you have not completed. Read the optional articles for FW1 on slide 3.
  4. Randy Pausch Interview with Diane Sawyer and complete an analysis handout. Share with your partner include your bucket list. Then work together to help one another develop a personal goal to live your life with grace and happiness.

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