Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday, March 14 & 15, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  We watch:   Life after High School Succeeding in the Workplace Video  (21 minutes).
2.  We will be looking at the Resume Workbook
     You will answer:  Pages 3-6  "Uncover Your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents"

3.  Finish 5 paragraph exploration if not done