Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday & Tuesday, October 3 & 4, 2016

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments
Google Drive folder, FreeWrite document and sharing work.  We will do Freewrite 7 today.

You created a doc called "My_Job"  We will finalize taking screen shots of the comparisons in the three areas:  Skills/Work Importance Locator/Interest Profiler.  We should have also obtained the jobs from the Meyers Briggs section.

Copy the jobs from the "Character" survey into the "My_Jobs" document.  That will now create a document that encompasses Interest Profiler/Importance Locator/Skills/Meyers Briggs/Character.  We will be choosing an "Occupation" from that group of job lists.  Go to  CIS
and look at the descriptions of the occupations you might be interested in and any jobs you don't know what they do.  I want to see you working on it!!!!

This is exploratory on your side.  I want to see you looking a jobs.  Things happen...your life changes.  I want to see one specific occupation and two backups!  For the specific job, I want you to write at minimum a paragraph as to why you chose that occupation.  Look at the quick view of that occupation in CIS to see the pay, outlook, numbers, etc.

Look at "Order by Cluster" if you need to back up and look at more general terms for grouping.  

Today we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:
Complete a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner. You will select one of the following jobs and look up the beginning annual wage on slide 3/Step 2 of the tutorial: waiter/waitress/dishwasher; lawn mower, babysitter/ child care worker, barista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, laborer.
We will do this together in class.


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