Monday, November 2, 2015

First week , November 2-6, 2015

Dear Class:

 Learning Targets: 
You will~
Know the 5 parts to a resume and the purpose of each of these;
Know 3 types of resumes and the focus of each of these;
Begin to Generate a functional/combination resume that targets your career choice as the objective,  describes your personal information, skills and abilities in business language.

How: Complete Resume handouts— Job Objective, Work Experience and Education, Skills and Abilities as One-Liners.
Use the Resume Tutorial to guide you through the work sheets. 
Good to Know...

TYPES OF DEGREES -  How much post-secondary education do I need? 

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Vocabulary:  Personality Type defined
Personality types by Jung and Meyers Briggs.
Meyers Briggs Foundation/MBTI  Basics

NOV. 2-6, Week 8

This week, we plan on engaging in the following activities related to

                                     JOB READINESS/PREPAREDNESS

  • What kind of resume should I create for a job? 
  • How do I present and describe my skills, abilities and experiences in a professional way that is acceptable in the business world?  


FREEWRITE/WARM-UP: Video: What's Next-Your Future 

Take notes on the video by completing the short handout.
 At A Later Date--
Create a slide in your final project summarizing your  notes in the first column. 

FREEWRITE:  #11 ~ Watch the video: Resume Writing For Teens    10 minutes
  • Complete Google doc as you watch the video from the Freewrites Link (Freewrite Link).

                         #12 ~ Part 1: What Do I Need To Know About Resumes?
  • Read slides 1-14 of the  How To Write A Resume  tutorial.
  • Work with your partner to respond to these statements.
  • Share your thoughts with him/her and question their motives and thinking.
  1. What skills will you be building in this resume lesson?
  2. What is your responsibility and how are you graded?
  3. List the 5 key parts to the resume that we will follow.
  4. Explain the visual look of a resume, how it is structured and why .  What fonts are more appropriate and why? Look at the fonts available to you in PowerPoint and give a few examples of appropriate fonts and non-appropriate fonts.

                             ~ Part 2:  Is Your Career and Occupation Choice A Good Fit?
See your Educational Plan and "Quickstart MAJOR Tree".  Handing back today;  fill out using the Curriculum Guide.  (pp 78-79)

 Answer the following in your FW document--

  1. My chosen occupational cluster is:
  2. My chosen career is:
  3. My chosen occupation is:
    Note: You will also record this information later on the Job Objective handout.)
  4. Why do you think this is a realistic occupation and career choice for you?
  5. How have you prepared for this occupation? e.g. classes have you taken, grades you have earned, activities, etc.
  6. Do you have the required personality type and job skills?
    Give specific reasons or examples to justify your response. e.g.  your personality categories and letters, personal experiences, etc. These are from your handouts. 
This information will be included in your final project in the Career section. 15 minutes

       2)    CATCHUP -   These assignments are due now.

  • Follow the MyRoad ORA, CAREERS AND MAJORS Slide Tutorial to complete the Discovering Me handouts for Majors,  Careers and/or the MOPPA 
    If you have not finished  do so today and turn these in at the end of the period. 
  • Work on your Majors handout to finish today. Turn it in at the end of class. 
  • If you are done, work on other incomplete or past due assignments.
  • Work on your Final Project.                
  •  Follow the PACE Final Project Instructions below. 
       3)  Work on your final project. See the tutorial below. 

             PACE Final Project Instructions.


  • Use this site to create a budget for you based on a minimum wage job- barrista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, food helper, etc.
  • Will My Job Support Me?
    a.k.a  Salary Based Budgeting
  • When finished, you will upload the document to your Drive folder and share it with me.  File name: pdx_fullname_SBBudget_minwage. If you have completed the minimum wage budget, then create a budget using your chosen career as the source of income. Upload this budget into your Google Drive folder as file: pdx_fullname_SBBudget_careerwage. Compare this budget result with the minimum wage budget result. Reflect on your results: Which affords you more opportunity, more financial freedom and/or upward mobility? Explain why.







      1) Resume writing lessons:
Writing An Objective and Listing My Education
          Read and follow slides # Complete the handouts


       2)  SALARY BASED BUDGET- If you have not completed the second part.
  • Use this site to create a budget for you based on a minimum wage job- barrista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, food helper, etc.
  • Will My Job Support Me?
    a.k.a  Salary Based Budgeting
  • When finished, you will upload the document to your Drive folder and share it with me.  File name: pdx_fullname_SBBudget_minwage. If you have completed the minimum wage budget, then create a budget using your chosen career as the source of income. Upload this budget into your Google Drive folder as file: pdx_fullname_SBBudget_careerwage. Compare this budget result with the minimum wage budget result. Reflect on your results: Which affords you more opportunity, more financial freedom and/or upward mobility? Explain why. 

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