WEEK OF APRIL 14-18, PR 2- WK 4
Open up the rough draft of resume we started. I handed out a packet for the assignment that has to do with one liners that you will be using for the job duties/tasks and skills. You will fill in the information and then transfer those one liners you created onto the resume you created.
1. Packet on "One-Liners". This will not be accepted after today. You have had plenty of time to work on it.
2. Resume Scoring guide filled in using the Resume Scoring Guide. You need to find a partner who will review your resume. This will be graded because if you score a resume without helping that individual, then you have not done your job.
3. Rough draft #1 printed out today and handed in. Make revisions before you print off the first draft. I will not be doing your work on this resume. The resume needs to be very close to being a final revision! If it is so poorly done that I cannot even review it, I will enter a "0" for a grade.
One liners in business language. Start your Education Plan Question response. Learning Targets: Students will know the basic components of an effective resume and how each is developed.
Students will generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career goals, interests, experiences, skills and abilities.
Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills
Continuation with the resume project.
There are resume examples on the last four pages of the Resume Workbook
1) Putting together a resume includes five components. Resume Slide Presentation
We worked on part two of the Resume Workbook that dealt with the specific jobs you are looking, a specific job you will target, and what is required for that job. We worked on the objective for that job as well. PAGES 11-14 TODAY IN RESUME WORKBOOK; PLACE IN DOC CALLED "RESUME PREP"; ONE LINERS WRITTEN OUT AND THEN ONE LINERS APPLIED TO SKILLS
Finish your first resume draft. STUDENT RESUME TEMPLATE
Score your resume using the Resume Scoring Guide.
Download it to your hard drive. Save it to the documents folder and then print it. Score your work accurately and then make the revisions necessary.
Ask your partner to score your document.
One liners in business language. Start your Education Plan Question
response. Learning Targets: Students will know the basic components of
an effective resume and how each is developed.
Students will
generate their own effective personal resume focused upon their career
goals, interests, experiences, skills and abilities.
Students will use business language in writing one-liners to describe their skills
FREEWRITE: Watch video (shown over two class periods): Resumes: A How-To Guide
Respond to these questions/statements—
What makes a resume strong or weak?
What should one include in a resume according to this video?
What does this video suggest If you don't have any work experience?
What does it say that you could include in your resume?
From the student comments, what skills or experiences did they mention that you could also apply to you and your resume?
Take a few minutes to complete the COLORS exercise.
What are some of your examples?
How do these compare to your already chosen skills?
Would any of these add relevancy or variety to your resume?
Which ones? Explain.
type of resume covered in the program most closely follows our class
resume style and format? Explain any similarities and differences.
What are the three styles of resumes and what do each emphasize?
What are the 5 basic components of a resume?
Complete the Education Plan worksheet. My Education Plan Questions (120.39 KB) Download this document. Save it as: PDx_fullname_Ed Plan Questions.
Answer each question in complete sentences. Some questions may seem similar but are asking you to stretch your thinking. Upload the document to your Google Drive account each day to protect your work.
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