Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Wednesday & Thursday, January 31 & February 1, 2018

Dear Class:

Today we plan on engaging in the following activities:

1.  Fill out the Paceography handout  —15-20 min.

2. Account set-up (See tutorial below) Review from last class

PACE introduction and account set-up presentation.   slides 10-28 --15 min

Google Drive folder, FreeWrite document and sharing work. 

3.   Learn how to access the FreeWrite assignment slides and complete tasks:
FreeWrite document and FreeWrite #1
4.  Work Place BasicsEssential Skills for Success  30 min  (Link to "Handout") Fill in using the typing tool in Google Docs. You will have to make a "copy" and put your name on it and leave the rest of the title intact. Such as "Name_work_place_basics_video_handout"

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to go to the class website, read through the weekly agenda, find the work you missed, and complete it.

Later this week:FreeWrites:  #3 & 4

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Monday & Tuesday, January 29 & 30, 2018


Welcome Sophomores, Juniors, & Seniors!

This is the class page/website. Everything we need to know or do is posted here.
Take a few minutes to read the class page below and become familiar with the site.

Note: With a pencil or pen, please complete any handout that has been given to you.
 You will turn in work in one of two ways: 1)  at the end of a task, you will turn your work to your shared folder on google docs; 2) work will go into a TURN IN  class basket or out during class on the desk by the door. 

Mock Interviews will occur on the following dates:
Semester 1 —
You must attend one of the sessions to receive full credit for the interview.

Learning Targets: Students will --
Know the acronym PACE, the purpose
 of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
Understand the value of self-assessments.
Good to Know...

How much post-secondary education do I need?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 


Monday & Tuesday:

What is PACE? What will we do? How can one be successful? --     Syllabus —20 min
Basics:  Bathroom; respect;

We plan on engaging in the following activities:
Fill out the Paceography handout  —15 min. (Wednesday & Thursday)
Sharing a bit about ourselves--"Connections"

Exit/ End of class:

Turn in the Paceography to the  "TURN IN" top tray as you walk out the door.
Take it home to complete and bring to the next class.

Know what PACE means and what it means to you.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Thursday, January 24, 2018

Dear Class:

Today is the final.  Get into the following groups. 

Period 1

Period 5

Sample Grade Sheet Completed

Make sure your final is in your shared folder with me.  If I cannot see it, the grade that your group gives you will be cut in half.  If you share it afterward and I see it after I have graded the rest of the class, you will be docked 15 points.

1.  One student will present.  The other three will take the sheet and grade the PowerPoint together.  Put your names on it.

2.  Put a check mark for every slide that is there.

3.  For the Conventions, Organization & Structure, Presentation Appeal, and Presentation & Performance, the point score is the total points even if you have to consider two or three parts to it.

4.  On the Comments at the end, put down any extra slides that are for extra credit.  If a student put extra slides for information that was on the Final PowerPoint Instructions that are not reflected on the checked off boxes above, then I want it accounted for here.  (This does not include 2-3 slides for the same information on the checked boxes!)

5.  Please add up the total points.  I will do the final calculation for your designated grade.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wednesday, January 23, 2018

Dear Class:

Today is the final.  Get into the following groups. 

Period 7

Sample Grade Sheet Completed

Make sure your final is in your shared folder with me.  If I cannot see it, the grade that your group gives you will be cut in half.  If you share it afterward and I see it after I have graded the rest of the class, you will be docked 15 points.

1.  One student will present.  The other three will take the sheet and grade the PowerPoint together.  Put your names on it.

2.  Put a check mark for every slide that is there.

3.  For the Conventions, Organization & Structure, Presentation Appeal, and Presentation & Performance, the point score is the total points even if you have to consider two or three parts to it.

4.  On the Comments at the end, put down any extra slides that are for extra credit.  If a student put extra slides for information that was on the Final PowerPoint Instructions that are not reflected on the checked off boxes above, then I want it accounted for here.  (This does not include 2-3 slides for the same information on the checked boxes!)

5.  Please add up the total points.  I will do the final calculation for your designated grade.


Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

Dear Class:

Today is the final.  Get into the following groups. 

Period 2

Period 3

Sample Grade Sheet Completed

Make sure your final is in your shared folder with me.  If I cannot see it, the grade that your group gives you will be cut in half.  If you share it afterward and I see it after I have graded the rest of the class, you will be docked 15 points.

1.  One student will present.  The other three will take the sheet and grade the PowerPoint together.  Put your names on it.

2.  Put a check mark for every slide that is there.

3.  For the Conventions, Organization & Structure, Presentation Appeal, and Presentation & Performance, the point score is the total points even if you have to consider two or three parts to it.

4.  On the Comments at the end, put down any extra slides that are for extra credit.  If a student put extra slides for information that was on the Final PowerPoint Instructions that are not reflected on the checked off boxes above, then I want it accounted for here.  (This does not include 2-3 slides for the same information on the checked boxes!)

5.  Please add up the total points.  I will do the final calculation for your designated grade.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday & Monday, January 19 & 22, 2018

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
  Continue with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18 

We will do some of the first slides, particularly the table of contents that can be found on the below scoring rubric.  Copy and paste them in and then we will finalize them next week.

2.  We will work on citations today!:  Use APA at this site:  Library

3.  We will look at animating your presentation today.

4.  Continue on your final project.  We will revisit the Table of Contents.  Make sure you create a slide for Citations.  For now, copy and paste in the sites you got your pictures from.  If you have 5 pictures, there better be 5 citations!  (does not include your personal pictures)

4.  I showed you PhotoShop a period ago and picture manipulation.  You do not have to do a Photoshopped picture, but if not, the slide will not get to an "A".

5.  We also explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($11.25/Hr) and then the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.

There should be two documents in your folder.  Name one "Minimum Wage Budget" and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks!

Run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

6.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

7.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

8.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Wednesday & Thursday, January 17 & 18, 2018

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
  Continue with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18 

We will do some of the first slides, particularly the table of contents that can be found on the below scoring rubric.  Copy and paste them in and then we will finalize them next week.

2.  Continue on your final project.  We will revisit the Table of Contents.  Make sure you create a slide for Citations.  For now, copy and paste in the sites you got your pictures from.  If you have 5 pictures, there better be 5 citations!  (does not include your personal pictures)

3.  I showed you PhotoShop a period ago and picture manipulation.  You do not have to do a Photoshopped picture, but if not, the slide will not get to an "A".

4.  We also explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($11.25/Hr) and then the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.

There should be two documents in your folder.  Name one "Minimum Wage Budget" and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks!

Run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:
3.  I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

5.  Citations:  Use APA at this site:  Library

6.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

7.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Friday & Tuesday, January 12 & 16, 2018

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
  Continue with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18 

We will do some of the first slides, particularly the table of contents that can be found on the below scoring rubric.  Copy and paste them in and then we will finalize them next week.

2.  Continue on your final project.  We will revisit the Table of Contents.  Make sure you create a slide for Citations.  For now, copy and paste in the sites you got your pictures from.  If you have 5 pictures, there better be 5 citations!  (does not include your personal pictures)

3.  I showed you PhotoShop a period ago and picture manipulation.  You do not have to do a Photoshopped picture, but if not, the slide will not get to an "A".

4.  We also explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($11.25/Hr) and then the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.

There should be two documents in your folder.  Name one "Minimum Wage Budget" and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks!

Run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:
3.  I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

5.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

6.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

7.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday & Thursday, January 10 & 11, 2018

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
  Continue with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18 

We will do some of the first slides, particularly the table of contents that can be found on the below scoring rubric.  Copy and paste them in and then we will finalize them next week.

2.  I am going to show you PhotoShop today and picture manipulation.  You do not have to do a Photoshopped picture, but if not, the slide will not get to an "A".

3.  Last class we explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($11.25/Hr) and then the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume. 

There should be two documents in your folder.  Name one "Minimum Wage Budget" and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks!

Run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:
3.  I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

4.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

5.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

6.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 


Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday & Tuesday, January 8 & 9, 2018

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
  Continue with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

2.  Today we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  We had done this before with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  However, I want you to now use minimum wage ($11.25/Hr) and then the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.  Run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:
3.  I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

4.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

5.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

6.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Thursday & Friday, January 4 & 5, 2018

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
  Continue with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

2.  I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

3.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

4.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

5.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

6.  We will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  We had done this before with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner.  However, I want you to now find what the average salary is for the job you are pursuing and run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tuesday & Wednesday, January 2 & 3, 2018

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
  Continue with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

2.  I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

3.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

4.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

5.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

6.  We will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  We had done this before with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner.  However, I want you to now find what the average salary is for the job you are pursuing and run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
