Sunday, October 29, 2017

Monday & Tuesday, October 30 & 31, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  Freewrite #12 Part 2 on your own at the following link:  How to Write a Resume

     In the document you had entitled "How to Write a Resume" and answer the questions on the slide.  I do not have a handout for this assignment.

2.  Brief Introduction for the interview.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself. 

3.  Watch "Powerful Resumes".  No worksheet.

3.  We will look at this today. We will begin the Final Project today and add as we go on. When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2016-17

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday & Thursday, October 25 & 26, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  Freewrite #12 on your own at the following link:  How to Write a Resume

     Create a document entitled "How to Write a Resume" and answer the questions on the slide.  I do not have a handout for this assignment.
2.  You will finish the part of  Resume Workbook below that you worked on last class
     You already answered:  Pages 3-6  "Uncover Your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents".  We did work on "My Education" with "My Work History" handout last class.  Today we will work on One-Liners.  Go to your "Skills/Venn Diagram" for the 3 skills you will be using.  I will go over this with you today.

3.  DO THIS IF YOU FINISH EARLY:  We will look at this today. work on any incomplete work first, then your final project. When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2016-17

Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday & Tuesday, October 23 & 24, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  Freewrite #11 on your own at the following link:  Resume Writing for Teens

     Create a document entitled "Resume Writing for Teens" and answer the questions on the slide.  I do not have a handout for this assignment.
2.  You will finish the part of  Resume Workbook below that you worked on last class
     You already answered:  Pages 3-6  "Uncover Your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents".  We will work on "My Education" with "My Work History" handout today.

3.  DO THIS IF YOU FINISH EARLY:  We will look at this today. work on any incomplete work first, then your final project. When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2016-17

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thursday & Friday, October 19 & 20, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  Freewrite #10 on your own at the following link:  Thoughts for the day

     Put the Assignment in your Freewrite document  12 minutes

2.   Watch "Undercover Boss:  Waste Management"
for Thursday, 42 minutes
3..  You will finish the part of  Resume Workbook below that you worked on last class
     You will answer:  Pages 3-6  "Uncover Your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents" and "My Education" with "My Work History" handout.

4.  DO THIS IF YOU FINISH EARLY:  We will look at this today. work on any incomplete work first, then your final project. When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2016-17

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday, October 17 & 18, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  We watch:   Life after High School Succeeding in the Workplace Video  (21 minutes).
2.  We will be looking at the Resume Workbook
     You will answer:  Pages 3-6  "Uncover Your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents"

3.  Finish 5 paragraph exploration if not done

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thursday & Monday, October 12 & 16, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life. 

1.  Watch "Your Career Search:  Taking the first Step".  This is for your information only and will not be associated with a worksheet!

2.    Exploration of Specific Occupations 
Finish up this section today!  You need to be logged into your gmail account for this to occur.  This will be done using CIS from the information on your specific job.
You will further do a handout:  Career Research WS

3.  Make sure you created a doc called Skills_Venn_Diagram and label both sides.  On the left side it should be labeled "My Skills" and the right side the job you are comparing it with.  Insert the  object/circles and go from there.

3.   Use this document to help with ideas for the Exploration of Specific Occupations five paragraphs.  Careers Analysis for your career.

4.   Today or next period, depending on time, we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.
We may start the "Will My Job Support Me?" Follow the slide tutorial found in: a.k.a  Salary Based Budgeting
Complete a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner. You will select one of the following jobs and look up the beginning annual wage on slide 3/Step 2 of the tutorial: waiter/waitress/dishwasher; lawn mower, babysitter/ child care worker, barista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, laborer.

Go to the last slide and do the "Reflection". Your choice of career in this case was made for you....a minimum wage job at $11.25!


Handout on "Uncover your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents".  This will be used in conjunction with your resume.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday, October 10 & 11, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life. 

1.   First, we will watch a video recommended by the counseling department:  CEOs Share Career Advice and Opportunities

2.    Exploration of Specific Occupations 
Open and make a copy to answer.  You need to be logged into your gmail account for this to occur.  This will be done using CIS from the information on your specific job.
You will further do a handout:  Career Research WS

3.  Make sure you created a doc called Skills_Venn_Diagram and label both sides.  On the left side it should be labeled "My Skills" and the right side the job you are comparing it with.  Insert the  object/circles and go from there.

3.   We may do a Careers Analysis for your career.

4.   Today or next period, depending on time, we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.
We may start the "Will My Job Support Me?" Follow the slide tutorial found in: a.k.a  Salary Based Budgeting
Complete a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner. You will select one of the following jobs and look up the beginning annual wage on slide 3/Step 2 of the tutorial: waiter/waitress/dishwasher; lawn mower, babysitter/ child care worker, barista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, laborer.

Go to the last slide and do the "Reflection". Your choice of career in this case was made for you....a minimum wage job at $11.25!

Pre-test for Resumes.


Handout on "Uncover your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents".  This will be used in conjunction with your resume.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Friday & Monday, October 6 & 9, 2017

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments

  1.   FREEWRITE/WARMUP:  Randy Pausch Interview
  • Instructions: Read through the statements on the handout before watching the video.
  • Complete the Google Doc "Randy Pausch Lecture" as you watch the video.
  • Write in complete thoughts as your note-taking strategy

2.  Skills for the Job PowerPoint.
Finally, we will be creating a Venn Diagram using the Skills you came up with in your skills selection and then you will do an "OCC" select to get the skills of the job you selected.  You will look at the top 15 skills and do a Venn Diagram based on those selections.

Create a doc called Skills_Venn_Diagram and create it in there by inserting and object/circle and we will go from there.

3.  We will do a Careers Analysis for your career.

4.  Today or next period, depending on time, we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.
Complete a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner. You will select one of the following jobs and look up the beginning annual wage on slide 3/Step 2 of the tutorial: waiter/waitress/dishwasher; lawn mower, babysitter/ child care worker, barista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, laborer.

Go to the last slide and do the "Reflection". Your choice of career in this case was made for you....a minimum wage job at $11.25!

Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

Complete a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner. You will select one of the following jobs and look up the beginning annual wage on slide 3/Step 2 of the tutorial: waiter/waitress/dishwasher; lawn mower, babysitter/ child care worker, barista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, laborer.
We will do this together in class.


FW # 4  Learning Style

FW # 5  Character

FW # 6  3 Million Jobs  (Separate)

FW # 7  Right Job for Personality  (Sheet)

FW # 8  Vocab

Looking at Careers

Interest Profiler

Importance Locator

Meyers Briggs

Reality Check


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Wednesday & Thursday, October 4 & 5, 2017

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments

2.   We return to "My_Jobs" document.  This is exploratory on your side.  I want to see you looking a jobs.  Things happen...your life changes.  I want to see one specific occupation and two backups!  For the specific job, I want you to write at minimum of one paragraph as to why you chose that occupation.  Look at the quick view of that occupation in CIS to see the pay, outlook, numbers, etc.  Remember, the amount of pay is "median" and not top or low.  See Attorneys' fees article for Portland attorney fees. 

Three other copies today:  Filter, Sort and Combined Report.  Will do together....

1. You need to know the vocabulary.  Budget Vocabulary Flashcard Practice
Test is today. Paste the result in a document titled "Budget_Vocabulary_Test". I will put the grade in my book as you get done.

3.   Copy the jobs from the "Character" survey into the "My_Jobs" document.  That will now create a document that will encompass Interest Profiler/Importance Locator/Skills/Meyers Briggs/Character. We will be choosing an "Occupation" from that group of job lists.  Label each as you copy and paste them in.  Go to  CIS and look at the descriptions of the occupations you might be interested in and any jobs you don't know what they do.  I want to see you working on it!!!!

Look at "Order by Cluster" if you need to back up and look at more general terms for grouping.


FW # 4  Learning Style

FW # 5  Character

FW # 6  3 Million Jobs  (Separate)

FW # 7  Right Job for Personality  (Sheet)

FW # 8  Vocab

Looking at Careers

Interest Profiler

Importance Locator

Meyers Briggs

Reality Check


4.  Today or next period, depending on time, we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

Complete a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner. You will select one of the following jobs and look up the beginning annual wage on slide 3/Step 2 of the tutorial: waiter/waitress/dishwasher; lawn mower, babysitter/ child care worker, barista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, laborer.
We will do this together in class.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Monday & Tuesday, October 2 & 3, 2017

Dear Class:
  • Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class,  and how it will benefit them. 
  • Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
  • Understand the value of self-assessments
We will watch a short article on the integration of personality tests and job applications here.
I want you to have a reason for you to have looked at these tests as a whole to refine a job search.

  1. How is this video related to PACE? 
  2.   How does your body react to stressful situations in a bad way?  In a good way? 
    3.  How should you deal with stress or stressful situations to benefit from it?  OR What do you attach to stress so our body benefits? 
    4.  How does one find courage or resilience from stress?  

Copy and paste these questions in a new google doc and entitle it "TED Talk:  Make Stress Your Friend" and answer the questions regarding....

2.   We return to "My_Jobs" document.  This is exploratory on your side.  I want to see you looking a jobs.  Things happen...your life changes.  I want to see one specific occupation and two backups!  For the specific job, I want you to write at minimum of one paragraph as to why you chose that occupation.  Look at the quick view of that occupation in CIS to see the pay, outlook, numbers, etc.  Remember, the amount of pay is "median" and not top or low.  See Attorneys' fees article for Portland attorney fees.

3. You need to know the vocabulary.  Budget Vocabulary Flashcard Practice
There will be a test on Wednesday & Thursday.

4.   Copy the jobs from the "Character" survey into the "My_Jobs" document.  That will now create a document that will encompass Interest Profiler/Importance Locator/Skills/Meyers Briggs/Character. We will be choosing an "Occupation" from that group of job lists.  Label each as you copy and paste them in.  Go to  CIS and look at the descriptions of the occupations you might be interested in and any jobs you don't know what they do.  I want to see you working on it!!!!

Look at "Order by Cluster" if you need to back up and look at more general terms for grouping.

FW # 4  Learning Style
FW # 5  Character
FW # 6  3 Million Jobs  (Separate)
FW # 7  Right Job for Personality  (Sheet)
FW # 8  Vocab
Looking at Careers
Interest Profiler
Importance Locator
Meyers Briggs
Reality Check

5.  Today or next period, depending on time, we will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

Complete a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner. You will select one of the following jobs and look up the beginning annual wage on slide 3/Step 2 of the tutorial: waiter/waitress/dishwasher; lawn mower, babysitter/ child care worker, barista, retail clerk, gas station attendant, laborer.
We will do this together in class.