Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday, June 6 & 7, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.

Reminder >>>>>>  
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to go to the class website, read through the weekly agenda, find the work you missed, and complete it.

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2016-17

2.  We will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  We had done this before with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner.  However, I want you to now find what the average salary is for the job you are pursuing and run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

3.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

4.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

5.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

6.  We will explore what it will take to live on a fixed budget.  We had done this before with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner.  However, I want you to now find what the average salary is for the job you are pursuing and run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 

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