Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday & Thursday, January 13 & 14, 2016

Learning Targets: 
You will~
Know the components of a business Thank You letter and its purpose;
Create a professional Thank You letter- 
1.  Written in blue or black ink (no pencil, pink ink, highlighter);
2. Written on the bottom half of the inside of the card following the correct format;
3. Use correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

You will~
Explain your current college readiness: plan, exploration, goals.
Identify 2 colleges/post secondary education institutions
Identify the institutions programs, entrance requirements


  1. Complete your final Thank You card and turn it when completed. This task should take no more than 30 minutes, even with focused attention to detail. 
  2. College search using CIS        COLLEGE SEARCH & PLANNING
  3. Summarize college search data into final project

Thursday  B day - See Wednesday's ACTIVITIES

&  Friday  
FINISH COLLEGE HANDOUT and turn it in at the end of the period. 
Summarize college search data into final project​

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