Wednesday & Thursday, December 2 & 3, 2015
Dear Class:
Learning Targets: You will~
Know the 5 parts to a resume and the purpose of each of these;
Know 3 types of resumes and the focus of each of these;
Begin to Generate a functional / combination resume that targets your career choice as the objective, describes your personal information, skills and abilities in business language.
How: Complete Resume handouts— Job Objective, Work Experience and Education, Skills and Abilities as One-Liners.
Use the Resume Tutorial to guide you through the work sheets.
- Freewrites Link
# 15a How to Write A Perfect Resume
- In column 1, list the five key elements or categories that go in a resume.
In column 2, state how these categories should look, be typed, etc. and what each one should include or focus upon, from the article.
- What categories does the author state should not be included in a resume and why?
- What else should one know about resume writing? 10-15 min.
- Resume Writing: Step 5
Choosing my skills for the job and Writing One-Liners, continued Will be done today!!!!!
- Open the How to Write a Resume Tutorial/Instructions found below under tutorials or click this link. Go to slide 24 and read the slide.
- Follow the instructions presented on slides 25-28 as well as on the handout. We will do this together as a class.
- Complete the handout to generate 6-9 one-liners appropriate for your resume.
skills should relate to your chosen job and the one-liners should
describe your abilities and accomplishments in business language.
Refer to FW #13, item 4 to refresh your memory on the difference between an accomplishment and a simple task.
- Download the Resume Template and put in each of the sections according to the above powerpoint "How to Write a Resume Tutorial" explains it.
Make sure your "Work History" and "My Education" worksheet is handed in.
Also, the "Skills
Resume Packet: My Work History Worksheet &
My Education Worksheet
Resume Template
CIS Skills Worksheet Revised
My Skills and One-liners/Resume Workbook
Resume Scoring Guide
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