Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
You will~
Know the 5 parts to a resume and the purpose of each of these;
Know 3 types of resumes and the focus of each of these;
Begin to Generate a functional / combination resume that
targets your career choice as the objective, describes your personal
information, skills and abilities in business language.
How: Complete Resume handouts— Job Objective, Work Experience and Education, Skills and Abilities as One-Liners.
Use the Resume Tutorial to guide you through the work sheets.
- Freewrites Link
A. Today: Rough draft of Resume is due (You will be printing it)!
B. Those wishing to sign up for Mt. Hood Community College credit (1 credit) will pick up a sheet from me explaining how to be admitted at the college. You have to put in an email other than your school email address. Important because otherwise you will not get email telling you what your MHCC ID number it. We will register for the class this week. If you have already been admitted to Mt. Hood CC (Digital Literacy or ASL), then put in the following information:
1. Winter term 2016
2. HD110
3. 80
C. Warm up below...Add to your first 8 questions with the second set of questions in 16B.
D. Finally, a peer will be looking at your resume and grading it today. You will hand in the grade sheet and printed resume today.
FREEWRITE/WARM-UP: FW #16b Mock Interview Questions
- Use
the paper from last class, which is in your folder to continue writing
your responses to the Mock Interview Questions from the FreeWrites link
(also at the bottom of this page). Remember to write in complete
sentences. You don't need to copy the question; embed the question in
your response instead. (About 1-15 min.)
Do a document entitled "Mock Interview Questions" and answer the questions to 16a.
- Open the How to Write a Resume Tutorial/Instructions found below under tutorials or click this link. Go to slide 24 and read the slide.
- Follow the instructions presented on slides 25-28 as well as on the handout. We will do this together as a class.
- Complete the handout to generate 6-9 one-liners appropriate for your resume.
skills should relate to your chosen job and the one-liners should
describe your abilities and accomplishments in business language.
Refer to FW #13, item 4 to refresh your memory on the difference between an accomplishment and a simple task.
- Download
the Resume Template and put in each of the sections according to the
above powerpoint "How to Write a Resume Tutorial" explains it.
Make sure your "Work History" and "My Education" worksheet is handed in.
Also, the "Skills
Resume Packet: My Work History Worksheet &
My Education Worksheet
Resume Template
CIS Skills Worksheet Revised
My Skills and One-liners/Resume Workbook
Resume Scoring Guide
1) Finish Section 2 of your Final Project/
Add all of the Freewrite information on your slides...see the "Final Project" information to help you creating slides.