Dear Class:
— MyRoadAcount Set-up and Surveys
- You have now completed the MyRoad tutorial to create an account and took the first survey: ORA Personality. Please fill in the handout entitled: DISCOVERING ME MOPPA MyRoad ORA Personality Profile Analysis. You have the first 25 minutes of class to finish. Instructions for the ORA handout is: ORA Instruction Link. Go to the sign in for the MyRoads (Link)
- Watch video: TED Talk: Make Stress Your Friend; complete these four questions:
- How is this video related to PACE?
- How does your body react to stressful situations in a bad way? In a good way?
- How should you deal with stress or stressful situations to benefit from it? OR What do you attach to stress so your body benefits?
- How does one find courage or resilience from stress?
Final Project Intro: FW #3-5 to be included in slides--
- Use one slide per FW.
- In the lower lined section of the storyboard, state 3 traits each of character, describe your type as a leaner and student/work ethic. Give at least 3 examples for each of these aspects.
- In the box summarize the information you wrote in the lined section in a creative way. Use drawings, arrange fonts for emphasis, etc.
- Finish FreeWrites 1, 3-5. Read and follow slide instructions. Extra credit: FW#5b and Personality types by Jung and Meyers Briggs. Make new documents for these results.
- Work on unfinished work from this week to finish.