Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday & Thursday, January 14 & 15, 2015

WEEK 17, JAN 12-16, 2015 PR3

Due January 18
 YOU LADIES AND GENTS WERE AWESOME AND YOU LOOKED FANTASTIC. We will have your evaluations for you in the next few days.

  1. Read the first two paragraphs of the second sheet of your MI Reflection titled: Drafting a Thank You Letter. Write 1-3 comments about the interview.

  1. Thank you letter — Complete a draft that includes date, salutation, text body that states 2-3 comments from the interview and closing. Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar. Rewrite the draft until you have an error free version. Carefully copy the final draft text onto the card- verify you are writing in the correct orientation, you are centering the writing on the blank side. Leave a bit of white space for the margins. Use only b
  2. Continuation of Final Project production.
    >>  Education Plan slides— I will be grading these today. 
  3. We will create a table in the 3-4 slides together. 3-4 slides include: 2nd semester Sophomore Year, Junior Year, Senior Year, Post-Secondary Recommended Classes. Classes come from your MyRoads Trees handouts and the DDHS Graduation Requirement list.
    >>  Resume Slide: Revise your resume if you need to make corrections from your last draft. Resave it as a "PDF". Insert the PDF onto a slide. Include in the slide: the 5 key elements to a resume, the purpose of an objective and definition of a one-liner in your words.
    >> Skills for the job— this information came from your earlier work. List the skills required for the job taken from CIS; list your skills that match and also the skills that you need to acquire. Explain how you can acquire these skills you currently lack.\
  4. We will continue with education needed for your particular career.  I will be speaking with you individually about the resumes handed in.  In the meantime, please go into CIS 

    Use the following:  
    Username:  cpcc
    Password:  mthood


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