Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014 Finals

Dear Class:

Good Luck with your Final!

Below are groups of 5 randomly. Each group will be given one scoring sheet. Decide which one of the four "graders" will be responsible to check off the slides that are included and to include written grades of the requested information at the bottom of the sheet. This will include a letter grade awarded by the group based on the entire "package" of the Final Presentation. All of the "1's" get together, all the "2's" and so on so there will be eight groups

Arizmendi-Lopez, Israel 1
Azevedo, Kieran 2
Beach, Cayman 3
Brown, Korrie 4
Cain, Elaura 5
Cisneroz, Ricky 6
Dekker, Hanna 7
Diaz, Erika 8
Fisher, Briana 1
Groz, Nikita 2
Guitron-Zavalza, Blanca 3
Gusman, Leilani 4
Gustey, Rikka 5
Hadafow, Samira 6
Hermosillo, Hernan 7
Hernandez-Marquez, Jesus 8
Herrera, Hilario 1
Johnson, Teara 2
Juarez-Jimenez, Maria 3
Luker, Bailey 4
Martinez-Vargas, Carolina 5
McGee, Tanner 6
Mendoza, Gabriel 7
Mirelez, Justin 8
Nelson, Ronald 1
Novak, Ivan 2
Osterloh, Jessie 3
Phu, Brandon 4
Podkurova, Yana 5
Quintanilla, Jose 6
Sergeychuk, Vasiliy 7
Smith, Mariah 8
Stasyuk, David 1
Stasyuk, Ella 2
Yakimchuk, Ruvim 3
Yanchuk, John 4

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014 Finals

Good Luck with your Final!

Below are groups of 5 randomly. Each group will be given one scoring sheet. Decide which one of the four "graders" will be responsible to check off the slides that are included and to include written grades of the requested information at the bottom of the sheet. This will include a letter grade awarded by the group based on the entire "package" of the Final Presentation. All of the "1's" get together, all the "2's" and so on so there will be eight groups

Alonso, Noe 1
Beatty, Christian 2
Berry, Logan 3
Butler, Zachary 4
Crawford, Hailey 5
Decker, Jazsmin 6
Emerson, Isaiah 7
Farias, Michelle 8
Fernandez, Dontae 1
Gaiser, Lauren 2
Garnett, Dominique 3
Gladysh, Andriana 4
Gonzalez, Erik 5
Gouine, Aaron 6
Grant, Kellan 7
Herrejon Cortez, Angelica 8
Hunter, Anthony 1
John, Kristopher 2
Lim, Branden 3
Lopez, Antonio 4
Martinez, Patricia 5
McAllister, Julian 6
Mejia, Maria 7
Mitskan, Dana 8
Mohamed, Yasmin 1
Monge, Paige 2
Nguyen, Phillip 3
Odighizuwa, Osawaru 4
Ortiz, Chassity 5
Penaloza, Kevin 6
Peres, John 7
Polen, Anna 8
Precup, Sebastian 1
Rozhik, Samuel 2
Shareef, Sabrin 3
Silva, Emily 4
Stiffler, KeyonnaTeman, Autum 5
Thach, Evan 6

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, January 27, 2014 Finals

Dear Class:

Good Luck with your Final!

Below are groups of 5 randomly. Each group will be given one scoring sheet. Decide which one of the four "graders" will be responsible to check off the slides that are included and to include written grades of the requested information at the bottom of the sheet. This will include a letter grade awarded by the group based on the entire "package" of the Final Presentation. All of the "1's" get together, all the "2's" and so on so there will be eight groups

Beck, Aaron 1
Black, Steven 2
Carrillo-Casares, Yuriana 3
Chavez-Rodriguez, Crispiniano 4
Chin, Amanda 5
Coulter, Emily 6
De Melgar, Juan 7
Delgado, Areisy 8
Gustafson, Camryn 1
Iniguez, Fernando 2
Kanlaya, Alisa 3
Kelso, Lillein 4
Khimich, Anna 5
Kuang, Weihao 6
Lothman, Bailey 7
Louie, Simon 8
Lui, Sophia 1
McDavid, Jabryce 2
Montano, Peter 3
Morales, Nancy 4
Nepal, Mahesh 5
Nussbaumer, Natalie 6
Phiakhamngon, Terry 7
Pierre, Sabinna 8
Ramirez, Jessica 1
Roque, Alejandro 2
Saucedo, Vanessa 3
Sharp, Quintin 4
Shields, Eric 5
Silva-Perez, Nelly 6
St Peters, Alanna 7
Tan, Shiya 8
Taylor, Josie 1
Thai, Minh 2
Thwe, Aung 3
Torres-Bautista, Maria 4
Vander Veen, CamilleWright, Tabitha 5
Zhong, Ivy 6

Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, January 27, 2014

FINALS, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday

Dear Class:

Good Luck with your Final!

That said, I will be choosing groups of 5 randomly. Each group will be given one scoring sheet. Decide which one of the four "graders" will be responsible to check off the slides that are included and to include written grades of the requested information at the bottom of the sheet. This will include a letter grade awarded by the group based on the entire "package" of the Final Presentation.

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday, January 21 & 22, 2014

Dear Class:


Wk 3 PR 3- January 21-24

For those students who are "Concrete Sequential", the slides are as follows: Link We are in the final stretch of your personal and career exploration. You know more about who you are and what you want to be, now you want to know ......

How do I get there?

We will work on the following this week:
Learning Targets:
Students will a) know what classes they will need to take during the remaining 1-2 years of high school; and
b) identify the classes they will need post high school to achieve their career goal. Both will be needed to complete a forecast.

Students will put together a cohesive presentation that will tie in all of the aspects of their lives: Who I am, What I want to accomplish, and how do I get there.

Today, Slide 5 and slide 7 on the "FINAL PROJECT SLIDE PRESENTATION" link; Who am I?. .

​ 3. PEP (Personal Education Plan)> RELATING MY EDUCATION TO MY GOALS CIS Link

When you finish you can add this to your Final Project Slide Presentation.

4. Resume Revisions- Review your final assessment and make changes as necessary. This revised version will be placed in your Final Project Slide Presentation.

> Brief overview of the final project ​See slides 3-5, particularly slide 5 for organization of presentation; 6-8 Who Am I? slide, What are my goals? How Will I get there? Freewrite: First off your slide is a reflection of your goals taken from the handout: Relating my Education to My Goals and other past assignments. Go to slide 12 FINAL PROJECT SLIDE PRESENTATION for instructions. ​Student Example of Final Project

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday & Friday, January 16 & 17, 2014

Dear Class:


Wk 3 PR 3- January 6- 10

We are in the final stretch of your personal and career exploration. You know more about who you are and what you want to be, now you want to know ......

How do I get there?

We will work on the following this week:
Learning Targets:
Students will a) know what classes they will need to take during the remaining 1-2 years of high school; and
b) identify the classes they will need post high school to achieve their career goal. Both will be needed to complete a forecast.

Students will put together a cohesive presentation that will tie in all of the aspects of their lives: Who I am, What I want to accomplish, and how do I get there.

Today, Slide 5 and slide 7 on the "FINAL PROJECT SLIDE PRESENTATION" link; Who am I?. You will research out the information requested on slide 5 and place it in two slides that deal with Copyright. This information will be gleaned from doing this worksheet on Copyright from the Copyright, Cyberbullying, and Netiquette PowerPoint. That information will be put on the Presentation on slides 4 on until done. So...Slide 4 will be what is copyright and how long it lasts, Slide 5 will contain definition of plagiarism and how to avoid it, Slide 6 will be Definition of Fair Use and four things to consider and then Slide 7 will be a table containing Copyright law as pertains to pictures, text, poetry, etc. under Fair Use. Slide 8 will be Netiquette and Slide 8 will contain Cyberbullying (see description of on slide 5 of FINAL PROJECT). The rest of the slides will include the information from Slide 7 of FINAL PROJECT.

​ 3. PEP (Personal Education Plan)> RELATING MY EDUCATION TO MY GOALS CIS Link

When you finish you can add this to your Final Project Slide Presentation.

4. Resume Revisions- Review your final assessment and make changes as necessary. This revised version will be placed in your Final Project Slide Presentation.

> Brief overview of the final project ​See slides 3-5, particularly slide 5 for organization of presentation; 6-8 Who Am I? slide, What are my goals? How Will I get there? Freewrite: First off your slide is a reflection of your goals taken from the handout: Relating my Education to My Goals and other past assignments. Go to slide 12 FINAL PROJECT SLIDE PRESENTATION for instructions. ​Student Example of Final Project
Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday, January 14th & 15th, 2014

Dear Class:


Wk 3 PR 3- January 6- 10

We are in the final stretch of your personal and career exploration. You know more about who you are and what you want to be, now you want to know ......

How do I get there?

We will work on the following this week:
Learning Targets:
Students will a) know what classes they will need to take during the remaining 1-2 years of high school; and
b) identify the classes they will need post high school to achieve their career goal. Both will be needed to complete a forecast.

Students will determine two colleges/universities and /or programs and develop an education plan.

The focus is on .....
Habit 3 -
Put First Things First: Prioritize and put the most important things first.
Post test

​ 3. PEP (Personal Education Plan)> RELATING MY EDUCATION TO MY GOALS CIS Link

When you finish you can add this to your Final Project Slide Presentation.

4. Resume Revisions- Review your final assessment and make changes as necessary. This revised version will be placed in your Final Project Slide Presentation.

> Brief overview of the final project ​See slides 3-5, particularly slide 5 for organization of presentation; 6-8 Who Am I? slide, What are my goals? How Will I get there? \ Slides 9-11...Today, you will create slides for 9 information on Google Docs, we have finished slide 10 but will include it in here and then do slide 11 information. Follow the directions . > Freewrite reflection > Lesson on cyberethics Freewrite: First off your slide is a reflection of your goals taken from the handout: Relating my Education to My Goals and other past assignments. Go to slide 12 FINAL PROJECT SLIDE PRESENTATION for instructions. ​Student Example of Final Project
Healthy Habits

Currently there is a high rate of colds, flu, and other common illnesses being reported in our community. These seasonal viruses can affect both children and adults.

Please follow these healthy habits:
Do not share food, drinks, or personal items.
Cover your cough and wash your hands.
Cough or sneeze into the elbow bend of the arm or into a tissue then wash your hands.
Wash your hands after recess or gym, before eating or preparing food, after using the restroom, blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Hand washing is the most effective way to keep germs from entering our bodies. To wash your hands effectively use plenty of soap and water; scrub the palms of hands, fingernails, around wrists, between fingers, and under rings for 30 seconds. Rinse well and dry hands after washing.

You should stay home if you have any of these symptoms:

A new or sudden onset of a rash, or unusual marks on the skin, with or without fever.
Skin lesions or sores that are “weepy” or draining, and cannot be covered with a bandage.
A fever of 100.5 degrees or higher.


Students may return to school after they have been without fever or vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing, or other medication to relieve symptoms.

Mr. Green-Hite

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday & Monday, January 10 & 13, 2014

Dear Class:


Wk 3 PR 3- January 6- 10


We are in the final stretch of your personal and career exploration. You know more about who you are and what you want to be, now you want to know ......

How do I get there?

We will work on the following this week:
Learning Targets:
Students will a) know what classes they will need to take during the remaining 1-2 years of high school; and
b) identify the classes they will need post high school to achieve their career goal. Both will be needed to complete a forecast.

Students will determine two colleges/universities and /or programs and develop an education plan.

The focus is on .....
Habit 3 -
Put First Things First: Prioritize and put the most important things first.
Post test

​ 3. PEP (Personal Education Plan)> RELATING MY EDUCATION TO MY GOALS CIS Link Download the document, save to your desktop using the file name: PDx_your name_PEP Education Plan.pdf. This will be the "Education" Tab, "Career Plan", "Getting Started" Tab, "How Do I Get There?" (to the left) and then download "Relating My Education to My Goals" worksheet

Follow these instructions:
>Open the saved document.
>Click on Tools.
>Go to Highlight Existing Fields ( you should be able to fill out the document using the highlighted boxes. Save work periodically.
>Upload your document before the end of class to you Google Drive Folder.

When you finish you can add this to your Final Project Slide Presentation.

4. Resume Revisions- Review your final assessment and make changes as necessary. This revised version will be placed in your Final Project Slide Presentation.

> Brief overview of the final project ​See slides 3-5 Last week we completed slides 9-11! > Freewrite reflection > Lesson on cyberethics Freewrite: First off your freewrite is a reflection of your goals taken from the handout: Relating my Education to My Goals and other past assignments. Go to slide 12 FINAL PROJECT SLIDE PRESENTATION for instructions. ​Student Example of Final Project Videos on Cyber Ethics— Healthy Habits

Currently there is a high rate of colds, flu, and other common illnesses being reported in our community. These seasonal viruses can affect both children and adults.

Please follow these healthy habits:
Do not share food, drinks, or personal items.
Cover your cough and wash your hands.
Cough or sneeze into the elbow bend of the arm or into a tissue then wash your hands.
Wash your hands after recess or gym, before eating or preparing food, after using the restroom, blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Hand washing is the most effective way to keep germs from entering our bodies. To wash your hands effectively use plenty of soap and water; scrub the palms of hands, fingernails, around wrists, between fingers, and under rings for 30 seconds. Rinse well and dry hands after washing.

You should stay home if you have any of these symptoms:

A new or sudden onset of a rash, or unusual marks on the skin, with or without fever.
Skin lesions or sores that are “weepy” or draining, and cannot be covered with a bandage.
A fever of 100.5 degrees or higher.


Students may return to school after they have been without fever or vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing, or other medication to relieve symptoms.

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday & Thursday, January 8 & 9, 2014

Dear Class:

Freewrite: 5 High-Paying Blue-Collar Jobs. Please read the article, name the google doc "blue collar jobs" and then tell me: Did the article tell you what education they needed? What is the difference between "blue collar" and "white collar" jobs...please define for me (You will probably have to go and look up the definitions on the definitions in your own words, not copy and paste!). Are there any of these jobs you would consider and why? Any problems with getting any of these jobs in Oregon? FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED Activities:

Wk 3 PR 3- January 6- 10


We are in the final stretch of your personal and career exploration. You know more about who you are and what you want to be, now you want to know ......

How do I get there?

We will work on the following this week:
Learning Targets:
Students will a) know what classes they will need to take during the remaining 1-2 years of high school; and
b) identify the classes they will need post high school to achieve their career goal. Both will be needed to complete a forecast.

Students will determine two colleges/universities and /or programs and develop an education plan.

The focus is on .....
Habit 3 -
Put First Things First: Prioritize and put the most important things first.
Post test

​ 3. PEP (Personal Education Plan)> RELATING MY EDUCATION TO MY GOALS CIS Link Download the document, save to your desktop using the file name: PDx_your name_PEP Education Plan.pdf. This will be the "Education" Tab, "Career Plan", "Getting Started" Tab, "How Do I Get There?" (to the left) and then download "Relating My Education to My Goals" worksheet

Follow these instructions:
>Open the saved document.
>Click on Tools.
>Go to Highlight Existing Fields ( you should be able to fill out the document using the highlighted boxes. Save work periodically.
>Upload your document before the end of class to you Google Drive Folder.

When you finish you can add this to your Final Project Slide Presentation.

4. Resume Revisions- Review your final assessment and make changes as necessary. This revised version will be placed in your Final Project Slide Presentation.

Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday & Tuesday, January 6 & 7, 2014

Dear Class:

Freewrite: "The 10 Worst Things You Can Do when You Start a New Job". Name the document "10 worst things" and tell me what of the 10 you already figured out and which of the 10 you will now take into consideration. Why did you not think about the ones that were presented? Please be thoughtful on your answers...

Copyright and Netiquette: We will go over the Copyright and Netiquette PowerPoint and answer the questions at the bottom of specific slides. Please create a document entitled "Copyright Answers" and put your questions and answers there. br />

Wk 3 PR 3- January 6- 10


We are in the final stretch of your personal and career exploration. You know more about who you are and what you want to be, now you want to know ......

How do I get there?

We will work on the following this week:
Learning Targets:
Students will a) know what classes they will need to take during the remaining 1-2 years of high school; and
b) identify the classes they will need post high school to achieve their career goal. Both will be needed to complete a forecast.

Students will determine two colleges/universities and /or programs and develop an education plan.

The focus is on .....
Habit 3 -
Put First Things First: Prioritize and put the most important things first.
Post test

​ 3. PEP> RELATING MY EDUCATION TO MY GOALS CIS Link Download the document, save to your desktop using the file name: PDx_your name_PEP Education Plan.pdf. This will be the "Education" Tab, "Getting Started", "How Do I Get There?" and then "Relating My Education to My Goals" worksheet

Follow these instructions:
>Open the saved document.
>Click on Tools.
>Go to Highlight Existing Fields ( you should be able to fill out the document using the highlighted boxes. Save work periodically.
>Upload your document before the end of class to you Google Drive Folder.

When you finish you can add this to your Final Project Slide Presentation.

4. Resume Revisions- Review your final assessment and make changes as necessary. This revised version will be placed in your Final Project Slide Presentation.

Mr. Green-Hite