Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday & Monday, November 22 & 25, 2013

Dear Class:


Survey Mr. Hadley wants you to do (won't take long!) SURVEY

Learning Targets:
Students know how to use business language to describe their skills, abilities and experiences.
Students can generate a resume that has a structure, relevant content related to an attainable objective.

> Resume Draft #1 - pgs 20-22- handwritten
Read through your draft- check for spelling, convention and grammatical errors

> Resume Draft #2 - type your information using the Resume Template.
Download the template located at the bottom of this web page in the Download section.
Save to your documents folder.
File name: PDx_FullName_Resume draft2

Follow the instructions on the template and replace the information with the data you wrote on pgs. 21-22.

Self edit/proof- Use the Scoring Guide to proof your resume using Word's grammar and spell checker. Reread your statements for accuracy and sense. Score your draft honestly using A/S/R notations.

Peer edit/proof- Print out your draft and have it proofed by the person next to you. Ask them to score using the key and sign the paper.

pg 7 - Job objective~ Write your objective using this prompt:
I am seeking a position as a ______ in the ______ occupations cluster/industry/field.
This is also copied into your Job Objective on page 10.

You will have to do a "Job Objective" (This is a link to samples). I want the job objective to be looked at again. I was not satisfied with what I had seen before.

This week in PACE.....Resume Workbook Presentation

Resume Workbook: You should be done with filling in pages 8, 10, and 12 up to page 19 and will finish the resume workbook. I want the Job Objective to be written correctly. Hand in the Resume Workbooks by placing them on my desk. If you loose your Resume Workbook , that is tough. You will have to do it on note paper and hand that in at the end of the period. I will be taking points away for loosing it! We will use the following "Resume Template" for the resume.

Mr. Green-Hite

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