Dear Class:
Article on How to Get a Seasonal Job
Summarize the article and include at least 3 tips on how to acquire that type of employment. Name the document "Seasonal Job"
Read the "News" link for an interesting article:
This Is Why Denmark Is The World's Happiest Country
What are your priorities when it comes to where you want to live and who do you want to live near? Name the document "Denmark"
Finally, I want you to finish taking the "Reading Diagnostics Informational Test #2" We did #1 last time. We will be doing OAKS Reading test on November 6th so it is coming up. The link for CIS is: CIS Remember, it is your first,last,last two digits of student number for your log in and for password, Cap first initial, lower case last name initial, and student number. Instructions on how to access the Tests are found here: Accessing Learning Express through CIS
Mr. Green-Hite
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