Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --
Students will --
- understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
- know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
- identify relevant programs of study
- develop a post-secondary education plan.
1. Today we will look at. Link "Why College?". Make a copy of the document to be filled in.
"A" = 4 colleges, universities, 1 trade school, military or 1 other "learning institutions".
"B" = 3 of the same
"C" = 2 of the same
Some of you will be doing the Trades. You can do one of the "Learning institutions" as a trade school but you will have to do some community colleges as well since much of the trade training is done at the community college level. Also, things happen in life and you may need a backup!
2. I will also be doing "participation" points for this activity. If I see that you have done all of your research for the rest of your life in less than 2 periods, then you are not really giving the assignment any type of evaluation and as such I will deduct points for work being done.
- Section 3 of our key curriculum: Post-secondary Education
Lookup Programs of Study for your career choice in CIS
Complete the handout as directed. "Why College?" - Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.
You have to explore at least two schools even if you do not plan on attending a higher institution. Things happen... sometimes for the better...sometimes for the worse. You need to be prepared!
I will also be doing "participation" points for this activity. If I see that you have done all of your research for the rest of your life in less than 2 periods, then you are not really giving the assignment any type of evaluation and as such I will deduct points for work being done.