Dear Class:
- Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class, and how it will benefit them.
- Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
- Understand the value of self-assessments
Mock Interviews: Thursday and Friday, April 11th and 12th.
I would like you to do a survey at site. The instructions are here:
Create a document called MyStudentPath and take a snapshot of it after you get done and paste it in. I will give you a couple of points for doing it!!!!
1. We return to "My_Jobs" document. .
I want to see one specific occupation and two backups! For the specific job, I want you to write at minimum of three paragraphs as to why you chose that occupation. Three to five paragraphs might get you an "A"! Look at the quick view of that occupation in CIS to see the pay, outlook, numbers, etc. Remember, the amount of pay is "median" and not top or low.
That will now create a document that will encompass Interest Profiler/Importance Locator/Skills/Meyers Briggs/Character. We will be choosing an "Occupation" from that group of job lists. Label each as you copy and paste them in. Go to
CIS and look at the descriptions of the occupations you might be interested in and any jobs you don't know what they do. I want to see you working on it!!!!
Look at "Order by Cluster" if you need to back up and look at more general terms for grouping.
Three other copies today:
Filter, Sort and Combined Report. We already did together....
2. Probably will not get to the Skills for the Job PowerPoint.
3. Finally, we will be creating a Venn Diagram using the Skills you came up
with in your skills selection and then you will do an "OCC" select to
get the skills of the job you selected. You will look at the top 15
skills and do a Venn Diagram based on those selections.
Create a doc called Skills_Venn_Diagram and create it in there by inserting and object/circle and we will go from there.
Registration: Closes March 22nd
Students register in a two-step process:
1) Get a MHCC ID Number
2) Register for your class
Attached is a digital copy of the student handout with instructions and links to step by step guides to Admission and Registration.