Dear Class:
- Know the acronym PACE, the purpose of this class, and how it will benefit them.
- Know how to navigate the class website to complete class work.
- Understand the value of self-assessments
I want you to have a reason for you to have looked at these tests as a whole to refine a job search.
- How does your body react to stressful situations in a bad way? In a good way?
- How should you deal with stress or stressful situations to benefit from it? OR What do you attach to stress so our body benefits?
- How does one find courage or resilience from stress?
Copy and paste these questions in a new google doc and entitle it "TED Talk: Make Stress Your Friend" and answer the questions regarding....
2. Log into CIS again. Today we will explore what skills you have or want to develop. To do this, we will be looking at "Skills" which is under the "Exploration" tab. Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "My_Skills". We will explore this later as we define the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting skills will be. The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took! Make sure you check to see what the definition of the skills are. You cannot make a determination of what skills you choose unless you know what they mean! I will probably have a quiz regarding them later on.
4. Log into CIS again. Today we will explore what skills you have or want to develop. To do this, we will be looking at "Work Importance Locator" which is under the "Exploration" tab. Please screen shot the result, copy and paste into a new doc entitled "Work_Importance_Locator". We will explore this later as we define the occupation you wish to achieve and what the resulting skills will be. The occupation will be defined by all of the surveys you took!
5. I doubt we will get to this today, but you will be creating a "My_Jobs" document. The document will encompass Interest Profiler/Importance Locator/Skills/Meyers Briggs/Character. We will be choosing an "Occupation" from that group of job lists. Label each as you copy and paste them in. Go to CIS and look at the descriptions of the occupations you might be interested in and any jobs you don't know what they do. I want to see you working on it!!!!
This is exploratory on your side. I want to see you looking at jobs. Things happen...your life changes. I want to see one specific occupation and three backups! For the specific job, I want you to write at minimum of a paragraph as to why you chose that occupation. Look at the quick view of that occupation in CIS to see the pay, outlook, numbers, etc.
Look at "Order by Cluster" if you need to back up and look at more general terms for grouping.
Remember, the amount of pay is "median" and not top or low. See Attorneys' fees article for Portland attorney fees.