Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday & Monday, April 27 & 30, 2018

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  There will be two documents in your folder.  One,  "Minimum Wage Budget" I have already graded and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks! 

We explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($12.00/Hr) and now the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.

Run the below Salary Based Budget for your "Resume Job Budget" according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

2  I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

3.  Start with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there": When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18 

We will do some of the first slides, particularly the table of contents that can be found on the below scoring rubric.  Copy and paste them in and then we will finalize them next week.

4.  We will work on citations later but whenever you use a picture or information that is not yours, you need to cite it.  The best way is to create a slide called "Citations"  and then copy and paste the web site you got it from!:  Use APA at this site:  Library

5.  We also explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($12.00/Hr) and now the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.

There will be two documents in your folder.  One,  "Minimum Wage Budget" I have already graded and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks!

Run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

6.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

7.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

8.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday & Thursday, April 25 & 26

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
  Start with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.    Exploration of Specific Occupations (Due Today)
Open and make a copy to answer.  You need to be logged into your gmail account for this to occur.  This will be done using CIS from the information on your specific job.

3.  Video:   Application + Job Search = Success

4.  There will be two documents in your folder.  One,  "Minimum Wage Budget" I have already graded and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks! 

We explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($12.00/Hr) and now the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.

Run the below Salary Based Budget for your "Resume Job Budget" according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

5  I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

6.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18 

We will do some of the first slides, particularly the table of contents that can be found on the below scoring rubric.  Copy and paste them in and then we will finalize them next week.

7.  We will work on citations later but whenever you use a picture or information that is not yours, you need to cite it.  The best way is to create a slide called "Citations"  and then copy and paste the web site you got it from!:  Use APA at this site:  Library

5.  We also explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($12.00/Hr) and now the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.

There will be two documents in your folder.  One,  "Minimum Wage Budget" I have already graded and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks!

Run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

6.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

7.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

8.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
2.  We will work on citations today!:  Use APA at this site:  Library

3.  We will look at animating your presentation today.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday & Tuesday, April 23 & 24, 2018

Dear Class:
Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.
  Start with the Final Project: "Who am I", "Where am I going", and "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18

Students, you will complete the following today:

1.  The handout is due today:  Career Research WS

2.    Exploration of Specific Occupations 
Open and make a copy to answer.  You need to be logged into your gmail account for this to occur.  This will be done using CIS from the information on your specific job.

3.  Video:   Application + Job Search = Success

4.  There will be two documents in your folder.  One,  "Minimum Wage Budget" I have already graded and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks! 

We explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($12.00/Hr) and now the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.

Run the below Salary Based Budget for your "Resume Job Budget" according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

5  I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

6.  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2017-18 

We will do some of the first slides, particularly the table of contents that can be found on the below scoring rubric.  Copy and paste them in and then we will finalize them next week.

7.  We will work on citations later but whenever you use a picture or information that is not yours, you need to cite it.  The best way is to create a slide called "Citations"  and then copy and paste the web site you got it from!:  Use APA at this site:  Library

5.  We also explored what it would take to live on a fixed budget.  We did this with a monthly budget for a minimum wage earner and then your salary based on the job that you put on your resume.  We used minimum wage ($12.00/Hr) and now the amount you would make if you got the job from your resume.

There will be two documents in your folder.  One,  "Minimum Wage Budget" I have already graded and the other "Resume Job Budget".   Thanks!

Run the below Salary Based Budget according to the instructions given on the link.  Make a copy of their budget.
Salary Based Budget ~ Follow the slide tutorial found in:

I will show a couple of previous powerpoints/slideshows from the past as examples.  Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
Create a high school course plan- see example.
Use the curriculum guide for this.
Create a post-secondary course plan.
Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

6.  Citations:  Use MLA at this site:  Library

7.  Taking picture of Resume.  We will use PrintScreen for the snapshot and then crop it down.  I will illustrate in class.

8.  Slides for "You as a Student" encompass two slides...One from Paceography and one from Freewrite #3.

Create slides.. If photoshop is available, then insert picture and insert in first slide.
Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 
2.  We will work on citations today!:  Use APA at this site:  Library

3.  We will look at animating your presentation today.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday & Thursday, April 18 & 19, 2018

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life. 

1.   First, we will watch a video recommended by the counseling department:  CEOs Share Career Advice and Opportunities

2.    Exploration of Specific Occupations 
Open and make a copy to answer.  You need to be logged into your gmail account for this to occur.  This will be done using CIS from the information on your specific job.
You will further do a handout:  Career Research WS

3.  Make sure you created a doc called Skills_Venn_Diagram and label both sides.  On the left side it should be labeled "My Skills" and the right side the job you are comparing it with.  Insert the  object/circles and go from there.

3.   We may do a Careers Analysis for your career.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday & Tuesday, April 16 & 17, 2018

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.

New Section we will be starting:

1.  Finish Reflection.

2.  Do survey.  Copy finalized notification and paste into a document entitled "MyStudentPath".

3.  "How to Write a Thank You Letter After an Interview" clip on youtube.

4.  Work on the "Thank You" letter based on your evaluation.  Please note the name of the interviewer at the bottom.  

"Uncover Your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents".
"My Education"
"My Work History" handout.

4.  We will do a Careers Analysis for your career.

Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday & Friday, April 12 & 13, 2018

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.

New Section we will be starting:

1.  Interview and do Reflection.

2.  Do survey.  Copy finalized notification and paste into a document entitled "MyStudentPath". Info

3.  "How to Write a Thank You Letter After an Interview" clip on youtube.

4.  Work on the "Thank You" letter based on your evaluation.  Please note the name of the interviewer at the bottom.  


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday & Wednesday, April 10 & 11, 2018

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

MOCK INTERVIEWS-Thursday and Friday, April 12 & 13th!

1.  Freewrite #16a & 16b on your own at the following link:
Create a new document and answer the questions.  Do the questions in a Google Doc and name it:   "MOCK INTERVIEW QUESTIONS".  There are 16 questions total.

This one I will give you much more time on.  I want clear sentences and at least three per question!

Going over dress for the Interview

2.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.
      A.  Four parts to the "Introduction" in an interview.  Smile, Establish eye contact, Shake their hand, Introduce yourself.  Practice today.
      B.  Ask a question during the interview
      C.  At the conclusion of the interview, stand up, smile, establish eye contact, and thank them!

3.  Video on "Interview Skills".

4.  Practice the interview questions with the "quarter" sheets I hand out to you then...hand in.

Resumes are due!!! No interview without an acceptable one!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Friday & Monday, April 6 & 9, 2018

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

MOCK INTERVIEWS-Thursday and Friday, April 12 & 13th!

1.  Freewrite #16a & 16b on your own at the following link:
Create a new document and answer the questions.  Do the questions in a Google Doc and name it:   "MOCK INTERVIEW QUESTIONS".  There are 16 questions total.

This one I will give you much more time on.  I want clear sentences and at least three per question!

Going over dress for the Interview

2.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.
      A.  Four parts to the "Introduction" in an interview.  Smile, Establish eye contact, Shake their hand, Introduce yourself.  Practice today.
      B.  Ask a question during the interview
      C.  At the conclusion of the interview, stand up, smile, establish eye contact, and thank them!

3.  We are done or very near done creating a resume using the following template:  Resume template

4.  There are samples of resumes at the end of this workbook:  LINK\

5.  Practice the interview questions with sheets...hand in.

Resumes are due!!! Print out during class Monday and Tuesday!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wednesday & Thursday, April 4 & 5, 2018

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

MOCK INTERVIEWS--April 12 & 13th!!!!!

1.  Freewrite #16a & 16b on your own at the following link:
Create a new document and answer the questions.  Do the questions in a Google Doc and name it:   "MOCK INTERVIEW QUESTIONS".  There are 16 questions total.

This one I will give you much more time on.  I want clear sentences and at least three per question!

Going over dress for the Interview

2.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.
      A.  Four parts to the "Introduction" in an interview.  Smile, Establish eye contact, Shake their hand, Introduce yourself.  Practice today.
      B.  Ask a question during the interview
      C.  At the conclusion of the interview, stand up, smile, establish eye contact, and thank them!

3.  We should be done or very near done creating a resume using the following template:  Resume template

4.  We worked on  Resume Workbook below.
You will answer:  Pages 3-6  "Uncover Your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents".
Handout on "Uncover your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents".  This will be used in conjunction with your resume. HAND IN TODAY!

5.  We will work on "My Education" with "My Work History" handout this class.
     HAND IN TODAY!  I had you do it as homework....due at end of class.

6.  We created a Venn Diagram using the Skills you came up with in your skills selection and then you will do an "OCC" select to get the skills of the job you selected.  You will look at the top 15 skills and do a Venn Diagram based on those selections.

7.  There are samples of resumes at the end of this workbook:  LINK

8   We worked on One-Liners.  Go to your "Skills/Venn Diagram" for the 3 skills you will be using.  Finish the Resume today using these for the Resume.

Skills for the Job PowerPoint.
Create a doc called Skills_Venn_Diagram and create it in there by inserting and object/circle and we will go from there. 

Resumes are due!!! Print out during class Monday and Tuesday!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Monday & Tuesday, April 2 & 3, 2018

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

MOCK INTERVIEWS--April 12 & 13th!!!!!

1.  Freewrite #16a on your own at the following link:
Create a new document and answer the questions.  Do the questions in a Google Doc and name it:   "MOCK INTERVIEW QUESTIONS".

This one I will give you much more time on.  I want clear sentences and at least three per question!

2.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.
      A.  Four parts to the "Introduction" in an interview.  Smile, Establish eye contact, Shake their hand, Introduce yourself.  Practice today.
      B.  Ask a question during the interview
      C.  At the conclusion of the interview, stand up, smile, establish eye contact, and thank them!

3.  We should be done or very near done creating a resume using the following template:  Resume template

4.  We worked on  Resume Workbook below.
You will answer:  Pages 3-6  "Uncover Your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents".
Handout on "Uncover your Skills, Abilities, and Special Talents".  This will be used in conjunction with your resume. HAND IN TODAY!

5.  We will work on "My Education" with "My Work History" handout this class.
     HAND IN TODAY!  I had you do it as homework....due at end of class.

6.  We created a Venn Diagram using the Skills you came up with in your skills selection and then you will do an "OCC" select to get the skills of the job you selected.  You will look at the top 15 skills and do a Venn Diagram based on those selections.

7.  There are samples of resumes at the end of this workbook:  LINK

8   We worked on One-Liners.  Go to your "Skills/Venn Diagram" for the 3 skills you will be using.  Finish the Resume today using these for the Resume.

Skills for the Job PowerPoint.
Create a doc called Skills_Venn_Diagram and create it in there by inserting and object/circle and we will go from there. 

Resumes are due!!! Print out during class Monday and Tuesday!