Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Monday & Tuesday, December 4 & 5, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
Students will --

  • understand the value of getting a higher education or post-secondary training.
Students will --
  • know how to explore post-secondary programs of study
  • identify relevant programs of study
  • develop a post-secondary education plan.

Side Note)  Applying for admission to Mount Hood Community College for "College Now".  You need to use your personal email as a David Douglas HS email will not allow for outside the DDSD emails to come through and that means that you will not get your student id number to register for the class in two weeks.  This is done at this site:  Mt Hood CC

If you are already admitted to Mt. Hood or received a student id number when your applied for admission, then the class is "HD110" section "80".  My name will appear as one of the classes.  Select it and then add for Winter term 2016.

New Section we will be starting:

1.  Finish Reflection.

2.  Do survey.  Copy finalized notification and paste into a document entitled "MyStudentPath".

3.  "How to Write a Thank You Letter After an Interview" clip on youtube.

4.  Work on the "Thank You" letter based on your evaluation.  Please note the name of the interviewer at the bottom.  

5.  Link "Why College?".  Make a copy of the document to be filled in.
  1. Section 3 of our key curriculum: Post-secondary Education
    Lookup Programs of Study for your career choice in CIS
    Complete the handout as directed. "Why College?"
  2. Complete 3 slides related to post-secondary planning--
    Create a high school course plan- see example.
    Create a post-secondary course plan.
    Summarize in a table your findings about each school researched.

6.  Continue with the Final Project "Where am I going" "How do I get there":  When working on the final project, refer to the slide tutorial in the link. LINK: FINAL PROJECT 2016-17

Create slides.. Finish photoshopped picture and insert in first slide.
 Table of Contents--Scoring Guide Create a slide entitled "Table of Contents".  Copy and paste in each of them.

Paceography- a brief biography of you as a person, student and tekkie.  Document copy is to the right on the menu.
 You must cite all of your pictures for credit.   If they are not cited, I will actually deduct points since the issues of copyright violation is apparent. 


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Monday & Tuesday, November 27 & 28, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.


Mock Interviews will occur on the following dates:
Semester 1 —Thursday and Friday, November 30th (B day; periods 5 & 7) and December 1st (A day; periods 1, 2, & 3).
You must attend one of the sessions to receive full credit for the interview.
Possible Questions:  Link
Reminder >>>>>>  

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to go to the class website, read through the weekly agenda, find the work you missed, and complete it.

Please be dressed properly as described by our guest who spoke with you regarding proper manners and dress for the interview.  If you have any questions about dress, go to the college and career center or the counselors to get clothes for the interview.

1)  Watch Video on Informational Interview.
 Mock Interviews are just around the corner.  In order to do as well as you can, it is always important to prepare and practice.  To this end, answer the questions using complete sentences.  These will be some of the same questions asked of you during the Mock Interview, so it is imperative that you think about how you will answer these questions in a thoughtful, business like way.  Always be positive, never make excuses, explain how you are working on your weaknesses (and you should be), and give specific measurable results for your skills.

2) Hand out of the grading sheet for the interview.  Put your name, Mr. Green-Hite, the period, and the above date that reflects the date you will be interviewing.  I will dock you points if the date is incorrect!

3)  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.
      A.  Four parts to the "Introduction" in an interview.  Smile, Establish eye contact, Shake their hand, Introduce yourself.  Practice today.
      B.  Ask a question during the interview
      C.  At the conclusion of the interview, stand up, smile, establish eye contact, and thank them!

4)  Practice Interview Questions between each other with your own questions.

5)  Applying for admission to Mount Hood Community College for "College Now".  You need to use your personal email as a David Douglas HS email will not allow for outside the DDSD emails to come through and that means that you will not get your student id number to register for the class in two weeks.  This is done at this site:  Mt Hood CC

If you are already admitted to Mt. Hood or received a student id number when your applied for admission, then the class is "HD110" section "80".  My name will appear as one of the classes.  Select it and then add for Winter term 2016.

6)  Make sure your Resumes are finalized using the following template:  Resume template


Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday & Tuesday, November 20 & 21, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.


Mock Interviews will occur on the following dates:
Semester 1 —Thursday and Friday, November 30th and December 1st.
You must attend one of the sessions to receive full credit for the interview.

Reminder >>>>>>  

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to go to the class website, read through the weekly agenda, find the work you missed, and complete it.

1.  Watch Interview Skills. 

2.   We will watch a Mock Job Interview.

3.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.
      A.  Four parts to the "Introduction" in an interview.  Smile, Establish eye contact, Shake their hand, Introduce yourself.  Practice today.
      B.  Ask a question during the interview
      C.  At the conclusion of the interview, stand up, smile, establish eye contact, and thank them!

4.  Practice Interview Questions between each other with the questions I hand out.

4.  Make sure your Resumes are finalized using the following template:  Resume template

6.  There are samples of resumes at the end of this workbook:  LINK


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday & Friday, November 16 & 17, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.


Mock Interviews will occur on the following dates:
Semester 1 —Thursday and Friday, November 30th and December 1st.
You must attend one of the sessions to receive full credit for the interview.

Reminder >>>>>>  

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to go to the class website, read through the weekly agenda, find the work you missed, and complete it.

1.  Please finish up Freewrite #16b on your own at the following link: 
Create a new document and answer the questions.  Ignore the half sheet handout...just do it in a Google Doc and name it:   "MOCK INTERVIEW QUESTIONS".  9-16 is a continuation of last classes questions!  I want clear sentences and at least three per question!  

2.  Watch Interview Skills. 

3.   We will watch a Mock Job Interview

4.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.
      A.  Four parts to the "Introduction" in an interview.  Smile, Establish eye contact, Shake their hand, Introduce yourself.  Practice today.
      B.  Ask a question during the interview
      C.  At the conclusion of the interview, stand up, smile, establish eye contact, and thank them!

5.  Finalize the final resume using the following template:  Resume template

6.  There are samples of resumes at the end of this workbook:  LINK


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday, November 14 & 15, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

We have a speaker from the Career Center today.  Please be attentive and polite!!!!

1.  Freewrite #16b on your own at the following link: 
Create a new document and answer the questions.  Ignore the half sheet handout...just do it in a Google Doc and name it:   "MOCK INTERVIEW QUESTIONS".  9-16 is a continuation of last classes questions!
This one I will give you much more time on.  I want clear sentences and at least three per question!  

2.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.

3.  Finalize the final resume using the following template:  Resume template

4.  I will hand out the sheet for the reviewing of the resume called "Resume Scoring Guide" that I will use.  We went over this.  We have gone and changed this a little bit.  You will use the "Resume Peer Review" sheet today.  You will put your name at the top and then rate yourself.  Find a classmate this class that will look over your resume and review it.  Part of your grade is your corrections!  We will be printing the resume out the end of the period next class.  You will have to print them out using one of the four computers on the right side of the classroom.

5.  There are samples of resumes at the end of this workbook:  LINK

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday & Monday, November 9 & 13, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  Freewrite #16a on your own at the following link: 
Create a new document and answer the questions.  Ignore the half sheet handout...just do it in a Google Doc and name it:   "MOCK INTERVIEW QUESTIONS".
This one I will give you much more time on.  I want clear sentences and at least three per question!  

2.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.

3.  Finalize the final resume using the following template:  Resume template

4.  I will hand out the sheet for the reviewing of the resume called "Resume Scoring Guide" that I will use.  We went over this.  We have gone and changed this a little bit.  You will use the "Resume Peer Review" sheet today.  You will put your name at the top and then rate yourself.  Find a classmate this class that will look over your resume and review it.  Part of your grade is your corrections!  We will be printing the resume out the end of the period next class.  You will have to print them out using one of the four computers on the right side of the classroom.

5.  There are samples of resumes at the end of this workbook:  LINK

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday, November 7 & 8, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  Freewrite #15a on your own at the following link: 
How to Write the Perfect Resume  LINK 
Create a new document and answer the questions.  Ignore the half sheet handout...just do it in a Google Doc and name it:   "How to Write the Perfect Resume".

2.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.

3.  Finalize the final resume using the following template:  Resume template

4.  I will hand out the sheet for the grading of the resume called "Resume Scoring Guide".  We will go over this.  You will put your name at the top and then rate yourself.  I will be assigning you a partner next class that will look over your resume and grade it themselves.  Part of your grade is your corrections!  We will be printing it out the end of the period next class.

5.  There are samples of resumes at the end of this workbook:  LINK

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Friday & Monday, November 3 & 6, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  Freewrite #14 on your own at the following link: 

The Skills You Need to Get the Job

I do have a handout for this assignment.

2.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.

3.  Continue our practice creating a resume using your CIS account.  Go to CIS, then to "My Portfolio", then under "High School Tools" you will find "Resume Creator".  Follow the instructions, save it and upload it to your google documents with the title "Resume Creator".

5.  We probably will not get to this point but we will create a resume using the following template:  Resume template

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday & Thursday, November 1 & 2, 2017

Dear Class:

Learning Targets:
​Students will --​
1.       Identify work and education experience that is related to work world.
2.       ​Identify one strong career potential as your resume objective based upon your research.
3.       Know the five parts to a resume- personal information, job objective, education, work history and skills. 

Know career terms: job, occupation, cluster career, career learning areas

Career Vocabulary:
​JOB — A unique work situation or position, paid or unpaid. Activities performed on a regular basis in exchange for payment.

OCCUPATION — A group of related jobs that have similar duties, levels of responsibility, skills, knowledge, and physical demands. CIS uses about 600 occupational titles to describe the labor market.

CLUSTER — A way to group occupations by some common feature. Oregon uses 23 clusters to group occupations into five broad categories called Career Learning Areas.
​Career Learning Areas can help you focus on skills and knowledge related to your career goals and education plans.

CAREER — The combination of learning and work that a person pursues during his or her life.

1.  Freewrite #13 on your own at the following link: 

Which Type of Resume is Right for You?

     In a document you entitle "Which Type of Resume is Right for You?", answer the questions on the slide.  I do not have a handout for this assignment.

2.  Brief continuation of the interview process.  Shake hands with the person next to you and introduce yourself.

3.  Watch "The Ideal Resume".  No worksheet.

4.  Practice creating a resume using your CIS account.  Go to CIS, then to "My Portfolio", then under "High School Tools" you will find "Resume Creator".  Follow the instructions, save it and upload it to your google documents with the title "Resume Creator".

5.  We probably will not get to this point but we will create a resume using the following template:  Resume template