Thursday, January 31, 2013

Friday & Monday, February 1 & 4, 2012

Dear Class:

First, please open up your gmail, go to your Drive, and open up the document entitled "Article Reviews". In the next box down, put the date as "2/1/2013" or "2/4/2013" (today's date) and then read the following article on Soda Pop Ban The questions: Do you, as the reader, think that NYC should ban large drinks? What is the reason behind only "large" drinks? What are the arguments against this law? Do you think it is a good idea?

I want you to register for CIS. You will be going into the site and sign in using "ddouglas" and password "ddhs". Then, you will creating an account. Use your last name, first name, and the last two digits of your student id number. Use your id number for the password.

You will then complete the document entitled "Thinking About Me". You will be filling this out in Adobe Acrobat, saving it, and uploading it into your google docs...move the file to the shared folder you have.

Finally, please go to your "My Career Planning Portfolio", then go to "My Plan", then to the "Getting Started" tab, then "Who am I?", then "Interest Profiler".


John Green-Hite

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wednesday & Thursday, January 30th & 31st

Dear Class: First thing is first: Get onto your gmail account. In order to get there, you can go to the link on the site. There, go to the "Sign In" link. You will be putting in your last name first name and last two digits of your student number for your user name and then your student id for your password. If that does not work, the you will have to use your own gmail account or create a new one. I will go over the steps to create shared folders with me.

Create a document entitled: "Article Reviews" and put in your shared folder. We will create a table and put in your reflections in them. A sample would be this so go ahead and look at it. Studies Find More Students Cheating, With High Achievers No Exception Read and respond to this. How were the students cheating? What were some of the causes of the cheating?

Finally, we will be downloading a file, working on it in "Adobe Acrobat Professional" using the typewriter and then uploading it back into your gmail files. Start CIS Account.

This should take all class and I look forward to working with you on it.

Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Monday/Tuesday, January 28/29, 2013

Dear Classes: First of all: PACE A Syllabus Week 1, Sem. 2 PR 1 INTRODUCTION TO PACE A January 28 - January 29 Agenda: Ice Breaker Ways of PACE- Syllabus, Computer Usage, Movement Value High School? Options Beyond High School Learning Target~ Students will be able to explain the purpose of PACE A; know of key lessons, how they will be graded, and be able to recall some commonly shared facts with peers about peers. Today you will- Introduce yourself to your peers, find common ground among them and learn about the class. Review and take home the syllabus to share with your parents. Extra credit given for parent signed copies returned! Watch a video on Workplace Basics: Essential Skills for Success 24 min. You will also begin your online account set-up.