Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dear Class: I want you to finish the "superhero" database today. This is the first part of the class that consists of Database that is broken up into three projects: The rough data that the class supplied and that we "roughed in" using Excel. Then, we created rough reports and a query from. The second section was information you supplied through internet searching. This part was more "refined" and I had you center the Title and put in a footer. The last section is the "Access" final project. This is information that is provided by me and the final reports and queries will look the same...The grading will be very precise on this one. Again, the title will have to be centered, the title will be the same one on the project sheet as on your report/query. Finally, all of the seven parts will include a footer with your name and the period (=() will be changed to ="Last First Name--Period 7 or 8". Good Luck! Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuesday & Wednesday, Sept 25 & 26

Dear Class:

Students: Please sign into you CIS account and do the following:

First, in the lower left corner of the main screen under “Career Assessments”, I want you do do the “Skills Assessments” (which may have done have done last time), “Interest Profiler”, and “Work Importance Locator”.

Please go into your “Student Portfolio” and make sure you do the “Education and Training” and the “Achievements, Activities and Skills”. Do as good a job as you can.


Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, September 3, 2012

Wednesday & Thursday, Sept 5 & 6, 2012

Dear Class:

Introduction; Google docs and Collections. This will encompass last_first_documents. We will also go over the rules.

Today we will examine the wide world of "Copyright" and "Netiquette". Please go to the Copyright Powerpoint

You will be completing on the following worksheet. After you finish the worksheet (the slide numbers are not correct so you will have to find the answers on your own!), you will look at slide 40 and analyze the four cases that are provided regarding copyright infringement. You will need to make your own copy of the worksheet and share it with me on your google docs.

We will go over the google doc part of this class. For those students unable to get into your account, you will fill it in and print it and hand it in on my desk.

For the analysis of the cases, slide 40 has 4 court cases in reference to Fair Use. Each case name is linked to a google presentation. I want you to create a grid on the back of your worksheet (if you had to print it out) or on a google doc create a grid and analyze whether the Purpose, Nature, Amount and Effect fall under Fair Use, and whether you think the court ruled copyright infringement or not.

Mr. Green-Hite

Friday & Monday, September 7 & 10, 2012

Reading Work Sample #1
Fair Use or Not

Dear Class:

Today we will continue to examine the wide world of "Copyright" and "Netiquette". Please go to the Copyright Powerpoint

You will be completing on the following worksheet. After you finish the worksheet (the slide numbers are not correct so you will have to find the answers on your own!), you will look at slide 40 and analyze the four cases that are provided regarding copyright infringement. You will need to make your own copy of the worksheet and share it with me on your google docs.

We will go over the google doc part of this class. For those students unable to get into your account, you will fill it in and print it and hand it in on my desk.


For the analysis of the cases, slide 40 has 4 court cases in reference to Fair Use. Each case name is linked to a google presentation. I want you to create a grid on the back of your worksheet (if you had to print it out) or on a google doc create a grid and analyze whether the Purpose, Nature, Amount and Effect fall under Fair Use, and whether you think the court ruled copyright infringement or not.

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday & Wednesday, Sept 11 & 12, 2012

Dear Class:

First, I want to do the "Informative Reading Work Sample Assessment" that is a handout. It is not that long so you should enjoy it!

We will then go back to Oregon CIS

Education & Training
Reading Inventory
Enter Scores When Done

Mr. Green-Hite